Shield on a Date.

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Thankkss nightsisterkaris for helping me with this❤️❤️

The team had been going on and on about how they nearly never go out and do fun things. Which means, only Daisy had been talking about it. Everyone listened to her because she is loud and she will talk your ears off if you let her.
In this case, Melinda actually listened to her. After space, she had been wanting to get as much fresh air as possible.
She would go on walks, and Deke would laugh about how much she was acting like him. Smiling at trees, walking around, and enjoying nature.

The team had went on a date to a roller coaster ride. Melinda May didn't ride, but she laughed at how many times Daisy screamed.

Deke say with Daisy and giggled the whole time. He had never been on a roller coaster.

Mack and Elena sat side by side and Elena joked at how Mack screamed when the ride went fast.

Phil of course, stayed by Melinda's side and didn't ride.

"Come on," Phil teased, "when have you ever been on a roller coaster?"

He wanted to ride with her, but didn't want to get her angry.

Phil exhaggeratingly sighed and didn't expect Melinda to respond.
"It was one time. I was seven." She said, plainly.

"Will you at least go somewhere fun with me??" He asks.

Melinda looks him in the eye, "I don't think so."

"The park. Ten dollars down if it isn't fun."

Melinda gives him a 'are you serious?' Look, mixed with an 'a ride to the park is worth more than ten dollars' look.

"Fine. Don't go," he sighs, exaggeratively.

It took him two seconds before begging again.

"Please, Mel? Pleeeeeeeeaasse??" He begs like a child.

Melinda sighs and says, "Fine," Phil smiles like a child who just got candy, "but— if I don't have a good time I still want that ten dollars."

That comment made Phil chuckle, before grabbing Melinda's arm and dragging him to er to the park.

Melinda smiled a little before going straight to the swings.

Phil followed after her and sat down to the nearest one.

"I didn't swing much as a kid. Yeah, there were playgrounds but I usually never had anyone to play with," Phil comments.

May pauses.

"Now you have me," she says. It took her a long time to say it, but it was still cute.

"You're right.." he holds her hand as they swing together. The cute couple stays together for nearly the whole night without noticing the time passing by.

When they got back at the shield base they were giggling and no one knew why.

Things were going cool until Daisy stormed down the hall.
"So What? You two just planned to ditch us and what- go on a separate date?!"

May looked at Phil, "it's not what you think Daisy."
Phil looked back at May, "really? I thought it was what she thought." He whispered loud enough for daisy to hear.

Daisy then walked away giggling to Jemma, "they toooootalllllyy were on a date!"

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