100th follower Special Fic.

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I owe it to you guys to do this.

Ily you all and thanks for following this internet yaoi loving freak

_-------(All parts will be put in a separate book for those interested in this being a book.)-----------------

He'd gone into acoma.

Ty almost broke in to a million pieces, as the doctor spoke those few words. His love, His only hope, gone into acoma. He stormed away to the garden, tears flowing. This was supposed to be their wedding day. A day of ultimate happiness, but it became so gloomy. The king and the queen looked worriedly at Ty and decide to leave on a trip to another city for a while.

Ty moped around his room, He couldn't bare to see his love so cold, still and soft.

He walked to the infirmary, with a built up hope that his love had awoken. It was always the same thing, he still lay cold but breathing. It Had been 1 month, 4 weeks of torture.

Ty leaves the room,his emotions whirling, hurtling at him in a blur. The last 12 months flash past his eyes, dates under the stars, warm arms wrapped around his waist, soft i love you's in his ear, flushed cheeks between sweaty sheets, Rebellious rides, swollen lips, buddery eyes, kisses in the dark, Poem's of love such as the last words Adam said to him. Ty had gone crazy thinking of their last kiss, filled with every bit of love he'd had for him.

Everything in his world had become dark, his words cracked and broken, the usual light minded composure left a heavy hearted ty in it's wake. To put it simply, Ty was broken beyond repair. He missed those moments of lingering silence and those stares of love.  He missed Adam, and every moment they spent together he cherished.

6 months had passed. Ty  went crazy. He ran to the infirmary in a haze, pacing the floors. His love was dying. The king and queen died 2 months ago, returning from a trip to drexlia. It was saddening but everyone was more focused on Ty's sanity. Ty went crazy without his love, he was nothing more than a shattered mirror of lost emotions.  He barged into the room to look at Adam's soft pale face. It hurt to even look at him. Grabbing his hand, He starts to pour his heart out.

"Adam, you saved me, from a harsh reality, One that I couldn't bear reliving. But now I can't save you. I miss your warm arms, those buddery eyes. I miss those sweet poems and how you used to smile at me with love. I miss you and by notch if you die, I will too. Cause I can't live without you." Ty almost whispers. By now he was crying for the millionth time. He gives Adam a long love filled kiss, before walking off still in tears.

The next day, Guards of all kinds ran to knock on Ty's door. Adam had woken up and demanded He see Ty immediately. Ty ran at almost lightning speed to the infirmary.

His heart jumped to see his love awake and well.

"Oh my dearest love, I saw you crying, you thought I was dying, when really I was given powers. You have them too for you are my love and we are bound for eternity. Now come we must pick a grown heir so that we may go in peace."  Adam said, his hand held out. Ty takes it hesitantly, and they are teleported to a royal carriage. They sift through grown heirs for hours until they found a man named Jerome who looking for Mitch.

Soon enough he was named their heir to the thrown, and they staged a deadly accident. The kingdom was then ruled fairly, and everyone had become peaceful. The kingdom rested in good hands, as the happy couple ran off to a place remote to live together for eternity.







It was kinda rushed at the end, I'm short on time. SCHOOL IS STARTING SOON.


Breh <3

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