Chapter 10: After team Rocket

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Alice p.o.v.

I woke up in the hospital room I stayed at last night.

I felt way better than yesterday, and I was sure I could continue my journey again.

I sat straight up and stretched my arms.

I looked around, hoping no one was peeking into the room. I started singing a song that was playing in my head constantly.

I heard footsteps and layed down in my bed again pretending that I was asleep. My stomach made a sound.

"I'm hungry.."

I heard the door open and someone walked into the room.

"I know you're not awake silly, and I know you want breakfast!" I heard White saying while someone else walked into the room as well.

I sat straight up and smirked.

"I guess I'm bad at acting eh? You know me too well already" I stated.

White walked over to my bed and Silver, who came into the room as well, sat down next to White in a chair.

"Are you feeling any better?" White asked while handing me the plate with my breakfast on it.

"I feel great." I smiled and took the glass with hot chocolate, taking a little sip of it.

Silver looked like he was deep in thought and White poked him with her elbow, making him glare at her.

"Well..I have bad news..erm Alice" Silver started his sentence.

I took a piece of bread with pecha berry jam and started eating it.

"Just say it already..." I said, taking a bite of the bread.

"Well..erm. I asked a few people if they had seen something weird happening here. And all of them said that they saw a few people with a red 'R' on their uniforms, crossing the streets"

Silver said, still having a serious look on his face.

"Did you figure out what they are doing here?" I asked.

"The people mentioned something about the grunts taking different cages with pokemon in them to a certain building in Icirrus City" Silver answered.

Maybe that's where they are keeping my friends, those had to be their pokemon!

I thought to myself while finishing my breakfast. I was worried..

"You okay Alice? You look kinda worried.." White asked.

"Those must've been my friends' pokemon for sure" I answered.

Silver looked at me and nodded.

"It's possible, we better check it out and see what's going on, those grunts are up to no good, we need to resque the pokemon and your friends!" White stated.

"No time to lose then, but who had put Alice into that house? And for what exact reason?" Silver mumbled.

At that moment something popped into my mind.

They needed time to evacuate everyone into the building, that's why.

"Guys, they needed time to evacuate everyone! Ofcourse..they didn't want anyone to find out or come after them at that point" I stated.

White nodded in agreement and stood up.

"I'm going to wait outside, Alice you change into your normal clothes and we are going to check this out"

She said while walking out of the room.

Silver looked kind of nervous and uncomfortable.

"Erm..Alice, I'm...I'm...I'm sorry for that day, I shouldn't have been so stupid and should've acted fair"

Silver said while looking away and crossing his arms over his chest.

I smiled.

"It's fine, I overreacted, but I can't believe you actually APOLIGIZED TO SOMEONE!!"  I said while smirking.

Silver ignored me and stood up.

"Don't tell White about what I said, I don't want her to know my weakness and tease me afterwards" He said before walking out of the room.

"Have it your way Silver!" I chuckled and closed the door.

I got changed into my regular clothes and walked out of the room.

I thanked nurse Joy for taking care of me and walked out of the pokemon center, letting Charizard out and sitting on his back.

Silver came walking to me and sat down behind me, White followed and Sat behind Silver.

"This is going to be a long flight guys!" I stated and sighed.

I petted Charizard and we flew into the air. A little bit too fast..because Silver almost fell off.

I chuckled.

Silver wrapped his arms around my waist holding on to me, so he wouldn't fall of.

I looked at the arms wrapped around my waist.

I hoped no one would notice though. I didn't feel anything for that guy..Nothing!

"Awe! Look at them, you guys are adorable together!"  White said in awe.

"You shut your mouth White, or I'll let Charizard drop you"Silver grumbled and glared at White.

"Whatever..have it your way Silv" White said, teasing him.

"One word.. and you will be down there in the grass!" Silver said.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, their arguments are always so stupid.


Hi people!'s evening and I'm writing. Jup, I get inspiration in the evening XD I was listening to music while writing this and it helped! YESH!!  I tried to make this chapter long, hope I did alright XD

Anyways, hope you enjoyed and see ya later! ~Rainy :3

Ability {Pokemon fanfic}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon