Chapter 28: Following our hearts

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Alice p.o.v.

I quickly opened my eyes. Blocks of the former ceiling were shattered everywhere.

What or who caused this? Giovanni?

I have never felt so much pain in my life, mentally and physically at this moment.

I was scared, beaten up, I had no energy left to fight.

I slowly started to get up.

I was now standing and I looked around, I saw the three standing in front of a huge white pokemon.

Like the pokemon knew I was looking, it turned around to look at me, our eyes met and I felt a connection, I knew this pokemon from somewhere before.

I told you everything would be over soon.

I stumbled back and tripped over a block.


"W-wait w-were you the-"

I was cut off by two voices yelling.

Silver and White's voices.

My eyes widened as I saw them coming closer.

I started running towards them, I was so relieved to see them again. I couldn't describe the feeling.

We reached each other and we grouphugged.

How did Silver get out though? And how did White get out..?

The door bursted open and Cynthia came out, holding Giovanni, his mouth taped shut and his hands tied together.

How did she get in here?

She was followed by a few policemen.

Each of them grabbed one of the three. The fourth policeman started looking for Jess, he soon found her unconcious, laying a few meters away from the three.

"Wait, what about Emerald?" Eliza asked angered.

"She was taken care of earlier. Now, excuse us, we are going to go and deliver you to your new home, aka prison" Cynthia said and nodded at me, I gave her a thankful look.

Silver looked at his father with shame as he was being taken away to prison again.

I knew exactly how he felt. My parents were probably going to prison as well.

In a few minutes only, Silver, White, Reshiram and I were left in the destroyed hall.

What did Cynthia mean by 'She was taken care of earlier?'

I can explain everything later. You missed quite a bit.

Reshiram growled and motioned for us to sit on his back.

We did as told, and soon took off flying over Unova.

"It's all over, we're safe" White said, she sounded relieved.

Reshiram flew towards a field full of flowers. I have never seen this place before.

We got off of his back and sat down in the soft grass.

"Alright, tell me what I missed" I smiled at Reshiram, somehow, being here with this pokemon made me feel so calm.

Ofcourse. So, before the whole battle, Emerald came to look for me. She found me here and asked if I could take her firepowers back. She didn't want anything to do with them anymore, Giovanni originally planned for you to fight her, but since she fled without her powers he let the four handle it. Emerald had been forced to do all those things to you she did, Giovanni told her lies and she believed him. Luckily, she stopped believing him at the right moment.

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