Chapter 20: I wish...

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Hi guys! Quick note, the sentences written in Itallics are the thoughts of the characters. This will show up in the book more often too.

Eliza p.o.v.

"Alright, I think everybody is done eating now" I chuckled, looking at the empty plates.

"You three deserve an explanation on why you're here, I understand it's confusing" I said, shifting my feet around.

"So how did you find us?" Alice asked, moving straight to the point.

"Well we didn't plan to, we were kind of lost, we wanted to go back here, to our base and we ended up in the forest, we saw you using your hands to make a fire and that's why we took you and your friends here" I finished.

"Are you planning anything bad with Alice? You guys are creepy stalkers ya know, I don't trust you even though you gave us nice food" Silver said suspiciously.

"All four of us are the same as Alice. We have this Ability too" Duncan said.

"Proof it" Silver said coldly.

Duncan stood up from the chair and concentrated on his hands, they turned an orange colour and a little flame appeared in the palm of his hand.

Duncan smirked and put the flame out, walking back to his seat again.

"Wait...what?" Alice looked at her friends in confusion.

"Is Reshiram's legend true then? So there are there more of us with pieces of Reshiram's power.." She said.

"Yes, the legend is true, though we are the only five with the Ability, for what we know anyway. There might be more but they might use it for bad things.." Jess said.

"You are the last one" Anthony mumbled, looking at Alice.

"Okay let all of that information sink in for a second. Now for the building, see, this isn't just some regular building. It's our training building. We practice our powers here" Duncan said excitedly.

"And we want you to stay, if that's okay with your friends. They can stay as well in the rooms they slept in last night,  your room would be the one you were in last night as well, Alice" I said.

Alice looked at her friends again and they nodded.

"We'll stay" She said.

"But we have a problem. Team Rocket is looking for me, my parents are in the organization as well. This place must be hidden very well right? They can't find me, if they do, they will use me for their needs, I don't want to bring you guys in danger as well" She said nervously.

"No need to worry, this base is hidden very well, to proceed you need to know the password and an elevator will appear to bring you underground to here" I said assuring here that she was safe.

"Good, because I have something they left me and they are not aloud to get it back. We need to get it out and destroy it" Alice said.

"I think I understand what the situation is now, I trust you guys, don't let us down" White said.

Duncan nodded at her and Silver.

Alice pointed to her arm, there was an orange light coming from it and it seemed to be rotating.

"What is that?" I mumbled shocked.

"It's a microchip one of Team Rocket's members called Emerald inserted in my arm. It's supposed to collect data from the Ability I have. And well, our Ability. If they get this they will know more than we do now" She said seriously.

Ability {Pokemon fanfic}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora