Chapter 21: Our type of training

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Alice p.o.v.

I rolled over to the other side of my bed. I was really tired after everything that happened yesterday.

You can't blame me, I needed my rest.

Today was my first day of training. Pretty exciting right?

With that thought in mind, I stood up, put on a pair of slippers that I borrowed from Eliza, and walked out of my room.

I sighed and a strand of hair fell in front of my eye, I tucked it behind my ear and started making my way towards the dining room, closing the door behind me.

Then confusion washed over me.

Nobody was sitting at the table, there were no dishes or any sign that someone might have had breakfast here.


I took a few steps further into the room and looked around, hoping to find someone here anyway.

No sign of people though.

I sighed again and walked out of the room.

Where could they be? I'm pretty sure they aren't asleep anymore..

Then a thought popped into my mind.


Then it hit me. They probably have gone training..

I gasped and ran down the stairs. A lot of stairs. I still didn't really know where to find everything in this whole base, but I better get used to it soon.

After walking down many stairs, I finally reached a metal door.

I put my hand on the door and pushed against it, it opened.

I'm pretty sure I looked like a complete idiot. Since I always looked like a zombie in the morning. Story of my life.

Everybody was doing something different, to improve their technique.

Eliza was climbing up a wall, using her ability to land on the floor afterwards.

Duncan and Anthony were firing fire balls at each other, it looked a little like Kung-fu, but with fire included.

White was bringing Jess blocks of wood for her to burn.

Where was Silver though? I walked into the big training hall where I saw everybody doing their type of training.

I then noticed a familiar red head sitting on a chair next to the blocks of wood.

I started walking towards Silver until something flashed right before my eyes.


Without even knowing what was going on I tried to run and duck, but ended up tripping over my own feet.

I felt that my one of my feet didn't have a slipper anymore, and I fell onto my back.

"Damn it!" I groaned.


A fire ball came flying towards me and I gasped, quickly trying to get up and get out of it's way.

Oh the poor slipper.

The fireball hit the slipper that apparently, flew a meter away from me by my failed 'ducking and run action'.

I sweatdropped.

Eliza came running towards me and looked at the burned slipper that was laying a few metres away from us.

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