Chapter 14: The party and Gold's shopping

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Iris p.o.v.

We had finally arrived at my house in Opelucid city. Cynthia had to buy revival herbs in Driftveil city so she would come back later.

We hopped off our pokemon's backs and returned them to their pokeballs to rest.

Well, Iris and Gold borrowed flying types from Cynthia, since we didn't get the chance to find their captured pokemon.

I smiled and looked at the houses. Everything looked and was the same as it was before the whole Team Rocket situation.

The houses still looked really new and the people that lived here did their usual things, like going to the pokemon center to buy potions and heal their pokemon.

"Alright everyone, this is my house!" I said, pointing at the building behind me.

My house was  inbetween the pokemon center and a few other buildings, you just should head a bit further to reach it.

"It's in the same condition when the last time I came here" Alice said.

With that, grabbed my keys and unlocked the door, holding the door open and gesturing everyone to come inside.

I closed the door once everyone walked in.

"There's only one problem guys..Since I haven't been here for quite some time I haven't got any food.."

I stated, laughing.

Gold's face was priceless, he saw food as a part of his family basically, he must be very hungry. His face literally looked like he had seen a ghost or something.

"Well, we could split up and get things for the party, like food, balloons and what not" White said.

"Great idea! I'm going to buy the food" Gold said excitedly while smirking.

"You really want him to get food? Prepare yourselves because your money will be wasted on food only. And I mean all your money" Silver said, looking annoyed.

"Well maybe you should go with him, to keep an eye on him Silv" Alice said grinning.

"No way" Silver said, getting even more annoyed than he already was.

"Sounds like a plan. Silver and Gold are going to get the food, White Alice and me could go and get the party stuff like balloons" I said.

"Yay for food! Come on Silver, you don't wanna miss food shopping with me!" Gold said, while practically dragging Silver with him to the pokecenter, where the pokemart was.

"Noooohhh! Let me goooo!" Was the last thing Silver said before being dragged to his worst nightmare.

All three of us basically laughed our heads off at Silver's face.

Gold's p.o.v.

"Yes you are coming with me Silvy" I said while enjoying his frustration. I kept on dragging him to the pokecenter.  Seriously, how could he not love food shopping? Weird.

"................." Silver was quiet for once, accepting his fate.

We walked into the pokemon center, well, I walked in and dragged Silver with me, that is.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The woman in the store said, giving us a weird look.

I smirked, thinking of all the best party food I could possibly think of.

Silver looked up and glared at me, giving me the: Oh you are SO not going to do that are you? look.

Alice p.o.v.

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