Chapter 25: The flight

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Alice p.o.v.

My heart sank in my chest.

Giovanni was being accompanied by my parents. MY parents. The ones that chose the wrong path and left me.

I looked at Silver. He Looked shocked and confused.

He then looked at me and our gazes met.

He looked at me, his look told me enough. He knew that those were my parents. And I knew Giovanni was his father.

I nodded in response to his look.

I was still holding the scissors and the chip.

"Don't you dare cut the chip" Giovanni said, his cold emotionless voice causing me to get a little scared.

Don't get scared. You're strong.

I sighed.

"You can't tell me what to do" I said, trying to hide my fear.

"I know that. And that is the reason why your lovely parents are with me" He said, looking at me with hatred in his eyes.

"They don't have control over me either" I said, glaring.

"They do. In fact, you're 15. And your parents are supposed to look after you until you're 18 years old. Meaning, they influence your decisions." He said.

"He's right. Let go of the scissors and hand the chip over to me" My dad said.

I held back tears.

But something held me back.

Nobody has the right to make choices for you. You make those yourself. Do what you have to do.

Where did this voice come from? I kept the mysterious words in mind. What the voice said, was true.

I brought the scissors closer to the chip.

"DON'T YOU DARE" Giovanni said, raising his voice.

"Alice, don't do this. We love you. We want you to to come and join our side. Then, we can live as a happy family" My mother said.

"Lies" I said, my voice trembling.

"Listen to your parents" Giovanni said, looking at my parents.

You know what the right thing is to do. Don't hesitate.

Silver looked at me and our gazes met again. My heart raced in my chest, I felt stronger than ever.

I brought the scissors to the chip and cut it in half. I let the pieces of the chip and the scissors drop to the floor.

Silvers hand reached to mine, holding my hand.

"NO!!" Giovanni shouted in anger.

"All my hard work! You have no idea what you just did, child! You ruined the key to a perfect world! It's not over! I will ruin your life, I will take everything that you love. Everything you have a passion for. EVERYTHING!" Giovanni shouted even more angry.

His words shocked me. How could a man feel so much hate?

My parents just stood there in shock and anger.

"The chip. All our hard work. We have worked YEARS on this. And our own child destroyed it" My father said, looking at me with disgust.

I was close to tears. This was too much to handle in just a few hours.

I closed my eyes and buried my face in Silver's chest.

His body tensed up, but relaxed afterwards.

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