Chapter 18: The microchip

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Silver p.o.v.

I woke up pretty early, that cleaning really got the better of me yesterday.

I noticed the pillow and blanket.

Well who did this? I don't remember getting this stuff from upstairs.

Just when I was about to get up, Alice came walking down the stairs.

She walked into the room and smirked.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Yes, I did actually" I answered, stretching my arms.

"That's good" She said, and walked into the kitchen to go get something to drink.

She came back with two cups filled with hot chocolate, there even was some whipped cream on top.

She walked towards me and handed me one of the cups.

I looked at her and took it from her.

"Can I sit?" She asked, pointing towards the end of the couch I was sitting on.

"Sure, whatever. Thanks for the hot chocolate" I thanked her and gestured her to sit down.

"Your very welcome" She smiled softly and sat down next to me.

For a couple of minutes nobody said something. We were enjoying our hot chocolate, Alice broke the silence.

"Uuhm..Silver? Can I tell you something?" She asked, staring into her now empty cup.

"Sure, what's up?" I asked, turning around a little to face her.

She sighed quietly.

"Uuhm, well I kinda didn't tell you guys something, I'm getting worried" She started nervously.

"You can tell me, I hope it's nothing too serious" I said, hoping it wouldn't be something too big she was keeping from us.

"Well, you remember that encounter we had with team Rocket? When we saved Iris and Gold.." She said.

"Yeah.." I said, getting suspicious.

"When I was parilyzed, Emerald came running towards me and inserted something into my arm, it got absorbed into my flesh immidiately" She said, turning the cup around in her hands.

I looked at her worriedly.

She showed her arm, and there was a weird orange light coming from a point in her arm.

I sat down a bit closer to her, to get a better look at her arm.

I grabbed her arm and looked even closer at it.

Once I realized what it was, I put down her arm and looked at her.

"I know this thing" I started.

"Well..what is it?" Alice asked nervously.

"It's a microchip, I think it's trying to collect data from your Ability, that is why there was an orange light coming from it. It is absorbing a little bit of your power and they are probably going to look for you sooner or later to get the chip. With the chip they can get some more information on their enemy" I finished.

"Oh no..this is bad, that's why I felt this weird rotating in my arm" She said.

"Is there a possible way to get it out and destroy it?" She asked, turning towards me and looking into my eyes.

"I'm afraid not. It's not a tracking device, so they don't know our location. We just need to keep hiding from them, stay away from big cities and maybe stay in small unnoticable villages" I said, looking away.

"That's what we do all the time anyway..That's what I've been doing for the most part in my life.." She whispered the last part and I poked her.

"We'll get through this" I whispered.

Then something happened I didn't quite expect.

Alice leaned forward and hugged me tightly.

I don't get hugged often, but I putmy arms around her and hugged her back.

Somehow, this felt safe, I felt loved, I felt cared for..I felt happy.

"Uuhm..Alice can I tell you something too?" She stopped hugging and turned serious.

"Sure, what is it?" She asked, a small blush was on her face.

"You know Giovanni right..." I started, I wanted her to know the truth before it would spread, I was scared for her reaction though.

"Yes.." She said, looking at me with a questioning look on her face.

"Well he is my..

At that moment White came in and laughed.

"Look at the two lovebirds" She said, grinning widely.

I'm pretty sure my face was the same color as my hair.

I looked at Alice and a dark pink blush was plastered on her face.

She looked at me shyly.

"Shut up White.." Alice murmured, while getting off of the couch.

"Uuhm. Yeah shut up! We are not a couple" I mumbled.

I didn't get to tell Alice yet because White came in,  I guess I should try and tell her another time.


Alice p.o.v.

"Thank you so much for everything!" I said, thanking White's mom.

"See you later mom!" White waved goodbye.

"Yeah..see ya later woman" Silver waved quickly and looked away.

I rolled my eyes.

"Next time I see you Silver, you can help me with cleaning the house again!" White's mom smirked evilly.

"Then I hope our paths will never cross again" He said.

White smacked him.

"DAMN YOU WHITE!" He shouted angrily.

Well we better go now..

All three of us sat on Charizards back and we finally flew up.

We decided to stay in pinwheel forest for a while, so that's where we we are headed. Silver and I explained the whole situation to White.

After a quite few hours of flying, I patted Charizard on his head.

It was getting dark outside already.

My eyes closed slowly, I really needed some sleep.. My head fell back and landed on soft fleece, I felt someone breathing closely.

I opened my eyes with hesitation, and saw that my head was resting on Silvers shoulder, close to his face.

I quickly closed my eyes and blushed slightly.

White chuckled behind us.


Hi guys! It's Rainy ;3

I worked really hard on this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!! ^.^

It's more of a filler, but some important information was revealed.

Well, seems like Alice and Silver are starting to act nicer to each other >:3

My vacation starts today, it's a week long vacation so I will get to relax more wich is awesome :)

Vote+comment+give feedback if you liked the chapter ^.^

See you all later! ~Rainy^-^

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