Chapter 26: Everything is falling apart

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Alice p.o.v.

White and I arrived at Nimbasa City, I had returned Charizard to his pokeball.

"I wonder where the four went?" I said, thinking out loud.

"When Team Rocket appeared, they were gone. I haven't seen them appear once during the whole fight" White said, wondering about it too.

I sighed.

"We got things to do, let's go" I said, walking straight forward, not knowing exactly where I was going.

"Any idea where they can be?" White asked.


"Very smart"

"I know"

"It's awfully quiet..." White said, looking around, barely any people where outside.

"Yes it is.."I gasped and grabbed White's arm, pulling her with me behind a building.

"What are you-fdgdoignfg" I put my hand over her mouth, so she wasn't able to make any noise.

"Quiet! I saw a grunt walking over there!" I hissed quietly.

I let go of White and peeked around the corner, shocked on what I saw.

Duncan appeared and looked around, sneakily walking up to the grunt and talking to him.

The grunt didn't seem like he was planning to attack him.

White peeked around the corner too and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Do you think he..." White started.

"I can't believe it" My eyes widened.

This was all a trap.

I turned around again and leaned against the building's wall.

"They are heading to the pokemon gym" White said.

"That must be where Silver is" I said.

"Has to be" White said, still shocked on what she saw.

I peeked around the corner again.

The grunt and Duncan stood in front of the gym, talking to each other and stepping inside.

Once they were out of sight, White and I came out of our hiding spot and ran towards the pokemon gym where Duncan and the grunt went in.

White tried to open the door, without succes though, ofcourse it was locked.

I let out Charizard.

"Charizard, use flamethrower!" Charizard released a powerful beam of fire at the door, making it melt.

I thanked and returned him to his pokeball. White and I sneaked in quietly.

All the lights were turned off, usually there would be a bunch of colourful lights shining in this building.

I heard footsteps coming this way and we used the darkness to hide.

The footsteps came closer and stopped at the burned down door, revealing a grunt in the light coming from outside.

A phone of some sort was grabbed.

"We got intruders here sir" The grunt spoke.

"Get some more grunts to guard the place" The voice said, Giovanni's voice.

The grunt turned off the device and clipped it onto his belt.

I didn't hesitate and jumped out of the shadows, knocking him out with my fist.

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