Chapter 5

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After Damien showed me around, he decided to tell me which cabin was which. It's pretty amazing how the cabins have there own unique style, but none seemed to shout hey! This is where you're gonna sleep for a good percentage of you're life!

"This is the Apollo cabin," Damien said and pointed at it. "And right next to it is the Artemis cabin, but only the hunters of Artemis go in there when they visit."

I had the odd feeling like going inside and calling it my cabin. But, there's no such thing as Artemis children, that is the only myth in Greek mythology.

"Oh wait! I forgot to show you the weapons area. Let's go before it's time for dinner" Damien said and grabbed my arm then started pulling somewhere.

Once we got to the weaponry, Damien told me that there is a weapon of two in there that chose me to be there holder. I walk inside and look around, I go over to where the swords and daggers were. There was no luck, the daggers were too small for my taste and the swords were either too light or too heavy.

I decided to go over to where the bows were and start looking around. I stop when a now catches my eye, I walk over to it and pick it up. It fit my taste just perfectly, I walked back over to Damien and told him that the bow I have is my kind of bow.

"You're bow looks allot like one of the hunters of Artemis' bows. Let's go get a couple arrows and test it out at the shooting range." Damien said and we ran to the shooting range.

There wasn't very many people there like I imagined. But it was fine.

"Let's go over here," Damien said and went over to a target. "I like the moon that's on you're forehead, it makes you look unique. What phase of the moon is it?"

"Oh, it's a waxing gibbous" I said and Damien nodded then he told me to wait there while he got me some arrows.

While he was getting me some arrows, I was standing there blushing at the fact he called me unique. Nobody has ever said that to me.

After a minute or so, Damien came back with three arrows.

"Jerks, didn't let me take more than one arrow" He said.

"Its fine, I can live with one arrow" I said and took the arrow.

I spread my legs apart and got my feet firm on the ground. I stared at the target and got my bow and arrow ready to shoot. I take a deep breathe in and released the arrow, then I let out my breathe.

"Woah," Damien whispered "You got a bullseye."

"Look!" One of the other campers shouted.

I looked above my head and saw a symble of the moon that has the shadow of a dear in it.

"All hail Luna Frew, daughter of Artemis" Chiron said and many campers were whispering around me.

"How could there be a daughter of Artemis if she can't have kids?" Some kid asked from the crowd.

"I know!" Annebeth shouted out of nowhere, I felt so embarrassed.

"Artemis can't have children, so that means she had Prometheus make her one with powers and stuff with Zues' permission. But I don't know who raised her" Annebeth answered.

"You must feel embarrased, don't you?" Damien asked beside me.

"Yeah" I answered

"That must explain why she has that ugly birth- mark on her forehead" A girl said from next to Annebeth. I put my hand over my forehead and Damien looked like he was about to explode.

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن