Chapter 37

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(Another little something to listen to while you read this Chapter)

"We should get going to camp before anymore monsters come find us" I said.

"We should, many monsters have attacked us already" David said and grabbed Carter's hand as we started walking.

I didn't realize there were people screaming and running around like idiots, there really was no damage caused. I'm surprised none of the two didn't bring anything up about my eyes. They might've passed it off that they were colored contacts, but I don't think there's colored contacts that are like my eyes.

"Why are you all torn up? You got bruises on you're legs and gave a little. Did something bad happen to you?" David asked, I sighed angrily.

I don't know why, but this same question over and over again kinda gets annoying after a while. You got a problem with the way I look?! I wanted to scream if you're so smart, then why Don't you know what happened to me?!

But instead of yelling and screaming, all I did was say this: "it's a long story."

"We should get going now. Before the police come find us" Carter said, I nodded then we left.

~(Nico's Pov)~

I sat on my cabin bunk and stared at the floor. The camps gone insane since Luna has went missing, especially when I failed to retrieve her. I can sense she's still alive... half of the time, it's weird, one minute I sense she's alive and the next I sense she's dead. So, if she doesn't show up by tomorrow, the camp is holding a funeral for her. There's a beautiful shrine of her, flowers of different colors, and the Demeter cabin were able to create a tree in her honor. It was one of those Chinese trees were the leaves are pink, I don't know.

Her friends are devastated that Luna has gone missing, they're always putting the blame in themselves when it wasn't their fault. I haven't seen them the past couple days but I do know they are sad and unhappy.

And I can care less about how Damien feels. I didn't agree with Luna when she said she wanted to break up, so we're technically still dating and she's just cheating on me. Plus, I was charmspeaked into kissing that girl, she's really bad at kissing, though.

If only I hadn't yelled at her when we where at the hotel. I wasn't thinking. I should've just taken her to camp instead of getting lazy. If I could tell Luna something right now, I'd tell her that I'm just a selfish, jealous, jerk that doesn't deserve a one of a kind girl like her and that I deserved it when Damien punched me in the face.

You see here, Damien is the son of Nemesis, goddess of revenge. So, when I didn't come back with Luna, he wanted revenge when he found out that I scream at "his"(my) girlfriend. So, he punched me in the face.

I miss Luna allot, I wish I could go back to that night and ignored the girl like what my instincts told me to do. But I didn't and look where I am now, preparing to celebrate Luna's death tomorrow.

~(back to Luna's Pov)~
~(small time skip too)~

It was getting late so David, Carter, Bronxe and I decided to stay in a motel that was the closest to Long Island. Then, in the morning we would go to camp.

David was being nice and making us pb&j's in the very very very small kitchen area. The motel room was mostly compact with two queen sized beds that were surprisingly clean. The bathroom was small, but not cramped and gross.

"Who do you think you're godly parent is going to be?" I asked, looking at Carter.

"Definitely not Demeter. Probably Ares since the kid tried to choke me and thought it was funny" Bronxe said, I heard David chuckle but I ignored him.

"I don't know. My dad might be my godly parent since I live with my mom" Carter said, I nodded.

"That's nice" I replied and smiled at him.

"I finished the pb&j's" David said, walking over to us with the sandwiches, I declined the food and suggested he gave it to Carter.

"Aren't you hungry?" David asked as he sat next to me.

"Not really, I can wait until we get back to camp" I lied, I was hungry and I cannot wait until we got back to camp. But I had to be nice.

"You lie so bad, you're stumach has been rumbling so much it's like an earth quake down here" Bronxe said, I flicked his snout as David chuckled.

"We should be heading to bed, it's getting late" I said after they finished eating, they nodded.

"Who gets what bed? There's only two beds and three of us" Carter asked, I'm definitely not sharing.

"Easy, I get this bed while you two share a bed. Since I'm a lady and other excuses" I replied, smiling.

"Don't think you don't have to share, Luna. You still have to share with me" Bronxe said, I flicked his snout again and David chuckled again.

"That seems fair enough. Let's go to sleep, now" David said after he laughed.

We separated into the two different beds, I stuffed the book under my pillow before turning off the light, cuddling up to Bronxe and falling asleep.

And what's a dream without a nightmare?

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora