Chapter 8

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I heard noises of something coming to the door and my hands started fidgeting and shaking as the noise crept closer.

The door opened and there Chiron was, in a wheelchair?

"Ahh, Luna, I was hoping that you'd show up," Chiron said "come inside, sit down on the couch in there, and have a few cookies if you'd like."

I walked in, sat down on the couch, and grabbed a chocolate- chip cookie from the plate. The plate had all kinds of cookies from oat- meal to oreo's.

"Now, is it ok if I ask you a few questions?" Chiron asked.

"Sure, I don't see why not" I replied and took a bite of the cookie.

"Alrighty then, let's get started," Chiron said and clasped his hands together. "Who was you're gaurdian?"

"My aunt Hestia, of course."

"Was there anything out of the ordinary with you're aunt Hestia?"

"Yeah, she left the house almost everynight around 8pm. And she'd say things like i'd smite you if I could."

"Hmm, why do you think her name was Hestia?"

"Oh, she always had a smile on her face and had a homely attitude."

"Why did you're aunt raise you instead of you're dad?"

"Well, Hestia always said that both of my parents died in a severe car crash on the way home from the hospital and I was the only one who survived."

"Ok, if someone close to you gets harrassed, would you always growl?"

"Yes, I can't control what I do. If someone gets too mean, I'll start growling and trying to attack them. I could never help it, once when Hestia was catcalled by a creepy old man, I ran up to him and bit him in the arm til' he started bleeding."

"We're you punished for that?"

"Definitely, as soon as we'd get home she'd yell at me, and ground me."

"Do you have any questions for me?"

"Yeah, aren't you a centaur?"

"I am, but I need to wear this magic wheelchair in order to fit through doors and stuff."

"And do you know if I have a father that's alive, or not?"

"Luna, that's a question that you need to ask lady Artemis," Chiron said. "I'm having a couple Roman friends of mine frome camp Jupiter. Their names are Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque. They will help you cope with you're gifts. Well, Frank will mostly help but you get the gist."

"When are they gonna get here?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning after breakfast, hopefully" Chiron said.

"What's today's date?" I asked.

"Wednesday, May 18th," Chiron said "you are excused now if you're finished asking questions."

I grabbed an oreo and sugar cookie before I walked out. When I did get out, I felt so relaxed now that we got that meeting thing done and over with.

I should go lay down and take a nap in my cabin... I thought, my mind drifting off to lala land.

Suddenly I bumped into someone and landed face first onto the hard ground.

"Hey! What's you're damage?!" I asked, when I fell I dropped both of cookies and they are now ant food.

I got up and saw him again, Nico Di Angelo.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?!" Nico asked, his tone raising.

A daughter of Artemis (Nico Di Angelo x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now