Chapter 46

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"Um, can we talk inside your cabin for a moment?"

I nodded, praying to Aphrodite that Damien would want to break up with me.

I moved out of the doorway and Damien walked inside and sat down on my bed, I say next to him.

"Hey, your little boy-toy is back" Bronxe teased, I couldn't help but smirk.

Damien sighed and looked up at me solemnly. "Luna, what happened to you? Where did you go? Why are you covered in so many cuts and bruises? Who hurt you?" Damien slowly questioned, putting his hand on my cheek.

I looked down, "nothing happened, nobody hurt me, I'm fine."

"Did somebody rape you?! I swear if anyone took your vir-" I stopped him before he could answer. "No, nobody raped me. It's something wayyyy different than that subject."

"Then what happened?" He asked impatiently. I shook my head.

"I can't tell you."

"And why can't you do that? I'm your boyfriend, you can tell me anything" Damien insisted.

"I know, I just- I just don't want to talk about it. It's something that I don't think I have the guts to talk about" I explained.

Taking a shaky breath, I looked down at the floor, hiding my eyes that were filled with tears. You readers don't know torture unless it's by a god.

Damien's eyes softened as he looked at me, he pulled me into a tight hug. I barried my face into his neck, and cried. He rubbed my back soothingly and whispered sweet things into my ear.

After a couple minutes (more like half of an hour) of crying, I stopped. Smearing my tears away onto the sleeve of my sweater, I only had shaky breaths that wasn't loud enough to fill the room and with Damien and Bronxe by my side.

Bronxe chipped in when he realized I was sad. See, animals don't get the whole "I cry when I'm sad" thing. Sure, they do cry, but only when they get something in their eye, or when their eyes get too dry. But they never cry when their sad, that's just weird to them, but they eventually figure it out that mortals mostly cry because their sad (or scared and whatever but we're talking about being sad).

"It's late, I should be asleep in my cabin by now. Goodnight, and I'll see you tomorrow" Damien said, he rushed out of the cabin and shut the door rather quickly. Did he not want to get caught that bad?

"What was that about?" I asked, looking over at Bronxe for the answer.

"I don't know. I'm just as confused as you" Bronxe replied, I sighed. If he was doing something bad... I really wouldn't be in the emotional mood to handle it, I'd probably just shrug it off and lay in my bed staring at the ceiling for a little bit. Then being totally over it. It would be easier than crying over it, though.

"Remember that book Artemis gave you?" Bronxe asked.

"Of course I do, why?" I replied.

"Well, can we look at it? I want to see what's inside. It's killing me to figure it out" Bronxe said, I nodded.

Walking over to the floorboard it was under, I used an arrow to lift it up and grab the book. Then putting back the floorboard and walking to my bed like nothing happened.

I hesitated for a moment before opening the book up to the first page. The first two pages were blank but the third page said "to Luna, from Prometheus. I'm sorry"

The words weren't hard to read at all, it was weird since every time I tried to read a book, it'd just turn into a word circus. The letters would do basic flips and tricks then turn into different letters.

Anyways, the next page was full of handwriting that was perfect and full of words from top to bottom. I looked over at Bronxe and said; "are you sure we can't just look at it tomorrow?"

"No, mostly because I don't know how to read so if I steal it while you were asleep it would be useless. And all you've done with that was carry it around, it won't hurt you to actually read it" Bronxe replied, I sighed and nodded, knowing he was right.

Staring at the words for a moment and then reading the words on the page. Starting at the top, of course.

Sorry for the cliffhanger! I wanted to get this Chapter out by Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!(Sorry if you don't celebrate one or both of them)

I'm going to post what's in the book next Chapter, I'll give you more of a explanation if you need one.

See you in the next Chapter!

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