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Heeey. I have nothing to say except for the fact i got one thing wrong on the last chapter. If I'm correct, King deleted Diane's memories all those years ago. Enjoy anyway


The next day - Diane's P.O.V

I had decided to go to the village and look around. I needed a break from the Boar hat anyway. I said "Hi" to many people I know and skipped along paths, finding many new areas I hadn't explored yet. I was in my human size though. Because a lot of people were still scared of me in my giant form. I was wearing denim shorts and a orange top. Something that King had made for me as clothes to wear during hot days. I wonder why he only makes stuff like that for me?

King's P.O.V

I saw Diane walking around and decided to see where she was going. She talked to people and looked very happy. Seeing her smile reassures me. I see her walk by shops, looking at clothes and other things. Then, she walked past an unstable looking building. She stopped in front of it to look at a display in the window of a shop that was opposite to the building. I turned around for a few seconds to look at the people, and when I turned around to see Diane, I was horrified.

The building had collapsed and it was heading for Diane!

"Diane!" I screamed, flying quickly towards her direction.

Diane's P.O.V

I heard a loud crash and looked behind me. Seeing a huge building coming my way. It all happened in a heartbeat.

I heard screaming, I prepared for impact. I could've used power but it all happened too quickly. Something or someone had pushed me out of the way!

I got up, groaning in pain from being pushed. 

"What..just happened?" 

No P.O.V

King pushed Diane out of the way as much as he could.

Diane got up, groaning. Her knee was scraped and she had scratches all over her body. She looked back at the fallen building and saw nothing but smoke. She waited for it to go away and as soon as it did, she screamed.

King was stuck underneath bricks and huge rocks. Blood came out of his mouth and he was bleeding badly from his stomach. Diane ran over to him and pulled him out with her incredible strength. She picked him up and legged it to the Boar Hat.

Diane's P.O.V

"Guys!!" I screamed as I swung open the door and ran in. Everybody looked at me in confusion, then realised what happened.

"What happened to King?!" Elizabeth and Ban said in unison.

"It appears King had pushed Diane out of the way from a falling building." Gowther replied with no emotion. Nobody decided to question how Gowther knew. 

I ran to the nearest bedroom and put him down on the bed. I put a warm cloth on his forehead as the others came up to check on him.

I hope that he is alright..

woahsies that was part 2, I had no idea what to write for this chapter. But it turned out good. I just need to figure out how I can make the story longer.

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