21- A dream in reality

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I don't even have to say it without you knowing what I am going to say. I am SO, SO sorry for the long absence. You all are probably fed up with this story by now and it's all my fault. I'm sorry ;-;

I think I should just get straight on to the chapter because it's all I can do in order to be forgiven!

King's P.O.V

I slowly approached my destination. The gentle breeze really trapped me in my own thoughts and it separated me from reality. The letter had told me to go to a field with long grass located in the village by the Boar Hat, and that was where I was going. Soon enough, I found myself standing in the area that I assumed was the field. Each flower stood out with its captivating colours, as I found myself walking deeper and deeper into the place. 

Just as I had began to think that this was all a joke, I spotted someone standing in the distance. My first intent was to approach them and that is exactly what I did.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing as soon as the person was revealed to me. They turned around and made themselves visible and that is when I noticed who it was.

Diane was staring back at me with her charming violet eyes. Could she really be the person that had written the anonymous letter to me especially and told me to come to this very field at sunset? It was all making sense to me; mainly the reason why she left while we were playing would you rather back at the tavern, was to wait for me to arrive. 

We were both silent for that moment but I assumed that she just wanted to get what she wanted to say over with, so I waited for her voice to bless me. ((What a cheesy line))

Diane's P.O.V

I watched silently as King approached me. I was absolutely speechless, the exact moment that I needed to speak, was the moment that no words were able to come out of my mouth. He looked into my eyes and we stared at each other for a moment. I felt myself reach for one of my pigtails automatically and I hid my face with it, blushing a deep red.

I needed to get this over with, I needed every brick that was holding my feelings down to go away and let me be free once again. That thought made my voice come back to me and I was able to finally say every word I needed to say. 

"I was the one that wrote the letter, King. And that reason is because I need to say something.. Ever since those memories of us when I was a kid came back, and I finally remembered the promise you gave to me, I have been feeling something weird and now I know what it is.. The truth is that I love you, and even if you reject me just like the captain did, I will remember what you told me all those years ago."

It all came out of my mouth so easily. I never would've thought that a confession would be that easy, but it was most likely because I really meant everything I said. I waited for a simple rejection, and for my heart to be shattered and broken.

King's P.O.V

I knew that what after Diane had just told me, I would wake up in the tavern afterwards. Surely, this had to be a dream and none of this would be real. For so many years I had wished for this to happen in reality but none of it did, and it was most likely that this confession is just another one of my hopeless dreams.

Everything between us was silent for what felt like years. Every word that tried to escape my mouth turned into nothing and I was forced to figure out how to respond.

This was when I figured out that the only way to reply was to do something that I had wanted to do for as long as I can remember. I leaned forward and prepared to be called a 'pervert,' or a 'baka.' 

Leaning forward, my lips touched hers. I was so surprised by what I had just had the strength to do, but was so happy and proud of myself that I didn't bother to pull back and frantically start apologising. It felt like a dream come true, no, it WAS a dream come true. The kiss lasted a few seconds before we both let go. Diane didn't seem angry or upset with me and that made me really joyful.

It took a few seconds to sink in what I had really just done, and when it did a huge blush spread across my face and I was prepared for a slap of some sort. But no, she just smiled and blushed too. 

"I-I think we should go back to the Boar Hat.. It's getting dark.." I heard her mumble, making me nod in reply. To my surprise, she took my hand and started making her way back to the tavern as I helplessly followed, stuck in so many of my own thoughts.

It really was a dream in reality.

Well, welcome to Tellitubbybutthole's cringe and cheesy fanfictions! This chapter is most likely not going to be the last one, don't worry my friends!

Once again, I'm sorry for the late chapter but I need to go to bed and stuff. So, goodbye! :D

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