23- Finale

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And yes, as you know from the title of this chapter, it might be the finale. It's just that after King and Diane have gotten together now in this story there isn't much else to write. (Plus, I don't want it to end up being too random and filled with things that don't even make sense because I cant think of anything else.) So yeah, I'll get rid of the question marks when I have fully made up my mind about this ending or not. Sorry if you are disappointed about this! I'll try to make this chapter longer!

The next story I make MIGHT be Lumine x Kody, or another Nanatsu No Taizai-based story that isn't revolved around Kiane, but I'm not too certain yet. I have a ton of ideas for short stories based on different Seven Deadly Sins characters so watch out for a one-shot book if so!

Anyway, onto the chapter!

No P.O.V

The days, months and years went way faster than both had expected. They knew that this reason was because every second they spent together was one of the most enjoyable moments. These people, King and Diane, were both inseparable. At this point, there was absolutely nothing that could be done to take them away from each other. 

Diane pondered deeply about all of this as she sat on the grass, letting the pleasant warmth of the sun envelop her completely. It was true; things had changed a lot throughout the years of being with the one that she was ever so lucky to be with. A limited smile then appeared on her face, enjoying the happy memories that she could remember. She was cut out of her thoughts when she heard a familiar voice call her name. 


It has been at least 20 or more years since the day she had confessed her true feelings towards King. They happily became a couple, without a care in the world of what others thought of them. Throughout those years, a lot had happened. Most of it consisted of fighting other groups and having no time to be properly spending time with each-other. It was saddening, yes, but there wasn't much that could be done. After what seemed like forever for both of them, the sins were finally at peace and had the ability to chill out and do what they wished instead of fighting for the time being. King did whatever he could  to spend as much time as possible with Diane. He wanted them to get closer as they didn't really have the chance to do so earlier on. 

That's exactly what happened. They spent their time having fun and enjoying the moments where they could huddle up together and stargaze, without being teased by the others of course. They even got married with the help of the sins even if it was not really needed for the both of them. King and Diane thought that was all they needed for the relationship; to be happy together without a problem. But all of a sudden, the concept of having a child suddenly popped up, leaving everyone to keep asking them if they were planning on being parents. Both of them hadn't had the chance to think about it and so it didn't really seem like a possibility. After some time of it being brought up and the small chats they both had about it, they didn't think it sounded like such a bad idea after all.

A couple of months went by and their decision was made. A child was what they wanted and so Diane got pregnant after ages of thinking it over. Everybody was overjoyed to say the least. Especially King, who had secretly wished for this to happen and pretty much cried of happiness when he was told by his lover. (R.I.P smut, you shall be missed.)

It was certainly a tough time for both of them though. Diane was always in pain and throwing up occasionally, which made the poor fairy extremely worried and concerned for her. Thanks to Merlin though, she said it was pretty much a normal thing and there was nothing to be worried about. It was a foreign thing to them anyway and nobody was sure of what to expect. To be honest, Merlin was quite a big part of it all. She was always there to examine how well things were going and if there was anything that was worth being informed about. She had pills to ease the pain and to keep the baby in fine shape even after Diane would change into her human size. She could even tell what the gender was, and despite King's eagerness to know whether it was a boy or girl, Diane told him that it was best if they knew after it was born for more of a surprise. Everybody was a big help though. Elizabeth would give Diane advice on how to take great care for the child and make sure that it would be perfectly healthy, Meliodas had the Boar Hat and shelter of course, Ban cooked good meals and Gowther did pretty much nothing but still helped in some ways That's Gowther for you. 

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