15- Recovery

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Hiii :P

I am finally typing the next part of this story on my new laptop! That means chapters will come out more often!

I have noticed new people voting and commenting on this story, and I am so grateful! Thank you all for reading this fanfiction and showing support.

I say we shall get onto the chapter! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Diane's P.O.V

I had no intention of stopping the fast pace I was running in. Any distraction was not going to let me down. I looked down at the lifeless body laying in my palm, I frowned. This was all my fault and denying it was not in existence. 

King was battered and bruised, bleeding because of me. If I wasn't such a slowpoke, then he would be awake!

Bitter tears started to flow down my face, following the rain onto the ground. As I finally reached the tavern, the sins came running outside to start helping immediately. 

Elizabeth comforted me as Merlin, Gowther, Ban and the Captain brought King to a room. I just kept on crying, I felt like a worthless baby. 

"But Diane," Elizabeth started as I continued to complain, "Sir King wouldn't be alive if you didn't save him, of course you are not worthless!" 

I looked up from my hands and stared at the Princess. Was she correct? Did I actually save King? I smiled a bit and thanked Elizabeth for comforting me and cheering me up a little bit.

"Thanks.. I think I would like to have a bit of alone time at the cliff, you can go and visit King.." I replied. She nodded and walked back inside of the Boar Hat. I started to make my way towards the cliff I always go to at times like these. Its always a nice place to be. 

Sitting down and putting my thoughts at ease, I remembered the memory I had back at the Fairy King's Forest. King was a great childhood friend, but one thing I don't understand is why..

Why did he delete my memories? 

Was it because he told me something I shouldn't know of? As soon as I could think of another reason, an answer appeared in my mind. When he left me, he didn't want me to grieve over the fact that he left, and so he deleted my memories so I could completely forget any memory of him that was made to cherish. ((Sounds like a breakup- oops, carry on with the story!))

Just as I thought of King, a weird gut feeling started in my stomach.. 

It was almost the same thing as when I used to be around the Captain. What is this weird feeling, and why do I only feel it when I think of King..?

Before I could think any more, someone shouted my name.

"Diane, your boyfriend is awake! Turns out his wounds weren't as bad as we suspected.. Says Gowther.. You wanna meet him or what?!" Turning my head, I see Ban waving his hand at me in the distance. I instantly get up and run back to the tavern. 

'Why am I worrying so much..? That same feeling is coming back..!' Was all I could ponder. It was true, that same weird feeling in my stomach was returning.

I take a shrinking pill and change behind the Boar hat, running straight inside afterwards.

Running up the stairs, I open the door and see King.

His whole body was basically covered up in countless bandages, but the lifeless look in his eyes was gone, and a smile on his face appeared as soon as I walked in the room. The gut feeling was getting much stronger now.. But I pushed it away as if it were nothing. 

"Are you alright?" Was all that came out of my mouth.

"Of course.. Y-You saved me..!" King stuttered. I smiled and hugged him gently, trying to dodge any wounds. My stomach felt as if it were filled with butterflies. What is happening...?

I instantly remembered the memories I had, and I started craving answers.

"K-King... I need to tell you something.."

King's P.O.V

" K-King... I need to tell you something.." Diane stuttered. What did she need to tell me? Is it a conf- No, It's not that, King! 

"What is it..?" I asked, a shine of curiosity in my eyes. I started to avoid the pain all over my body.

"I-I remember everything. Everything we did as kids.. Saving you from the river, helping you to regain your memories, letting you live in my cave every day.. U-Until that one night when you had no choice but to leave for your people.. You erased my memories and never returned until we met again when the Seven Deadly Sins were created.."

I was speechless, what was I supposed to say..? I felt sadness and happiness. Was she ever going to forgive me for leaving her and never returning? Or is she going to forgive me? 

The stress became too much and without warning I broke into a mess of tears. 

"I'm so sorry I left you! I really wanted to stay.. Please forgive me.. Please!" I begged. Before I could beg any longer, I felt Diane embrace me into another hug. 

"It's okay.. I forgive you,


That was chapter 15!! Thanks so much for all of the support, shoutout to @Hades_Loki_Anubis for the votes and comments, and I think Diane is getting some sort of feeling for King! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

See you on chapter 16! 

Baiii (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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