19- Letter

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Hello -w-

Sorry for the 100th time that I haven't uploaded in a million years, because school was in the way, but that's over and I finally get a week off! :D

Without anymore scrambling about, I think we should get straight onto chapter 19 0wO

(Hopefully this chapter will be longer than the last one -_-)

King's P.O.V

The sun started to set, the sky becoming an instant explosion of many varieties of colours. It was a beautiful sight, and the urge to go outside and watch the clouds became almost unbearable. So staring out of the window turned into staring up at the sky as I lay on my back on top of a huge, wide tree with its branches being so big that you could lie down on it, having tons more space as a result.

The wind blew very slightly and the small breeze relaxed me, making me want to fall asleep right on the spot. All of the drama and every single bad thing that has happened to specifically me seemed to disappear, and my mind cleared. It was the most comfort I had ever felt since the past few weeks.

Closing my eyes, I started to think about things; like how weird Diane was acting a few hours ago. To be honest, the hope of ever being with her is starting to fade. One side of me is gripping on with dear life, knowing something may happen if I keep hoping, and the other side of me is giving up. And I have no idea which side I should stick to!

Groaning slightly in annoyance, I tried my hardest to forget about it and relax. And as soon as you know it, I was fast asleep, far away in another planet from my worries and problems.

Diane's P.O.V

After many hours of trying to find the best way of confessing my love for the second time, a cheesy, but interesting idea came into my mind. 

The plan I thought of was writing an anonymous letter to King, saying to meet me at the same place I confessed to the Captain tomorrow at sunset. When he reads the letter he should visit the place I told him to meet me at and I could confess!

It sounded cheesy and like a horrible idea at first, but as i thought about it more the idea sounded much better than I expected. And as soon as every detail was thought of I found myself at an empty table in the tavern, writing a short, anonymous letter to King.

((This is what was included in the letter))


Please meet me at the field with long grass in the village at sundown, I have something to say.

Yours sincerely, ???

((End of letter))

A very short and simple letter is what it might seem to King, but to me it's something that may change my life.

Hesitantly, I sealed the letter up in an envelope carefully, many thoughts and feelings building up inside my heart. Was I going to be rejected?

I then remembered what Merlin told me.

 "King doesn't want it to be too much, even a simple 'I love you' would make his day one of the very best, but confess when both of you are alone."

'One of the very best??' I thought. Did Merlin really mean that King would want for me to confess? I shook the thought off and stood up to look for King.

I looked around for quite a while, looking through the village, the cliff, and my last choice, the forest. Looking at many towering trees, I finally managed to find the boy, sleeping on a large branch .

I knew that this was fate, and I could sneak the letter in his pocket without him noticing! Being as quiet as I can, and making sure the loud footsteps (being a giant) wouldn't wake him up, I slowly put the tiny letter in one of his pockets, quickly, but quietly walking away soon after.

King's P.O.V

Slowly opening my eyes, I was instantly blinded by the bright sun that shone high up in the sigh, and that's when I noticed I slept through the whole night on a tree branch!

Sitting up instantly, I started to think about how worried the sins would be if I would've arrived back at the Boar hat any later, so my journey back to the others started.

As soon as I finally arrived, I opened the door and was greeted by Meliodas. 

"Yo, King! How was your nap on a tree?" 

"W-What?! How did you know?" 

"Diane found you and decided not to disturb your nap." The Captain laughed, making my face go red in embarrassment.

"Whatever..." I replied, shoving both my hands in my pockets, and as I did, I felt something brish against my hand. 

"Hm?" I said, as I pulled it out, seeing a letter with my name on it. Curious, I walked outside and leaned against a wall on the side of the Boar Hat, ripping the envelope open and reading the letter.


Please meet me at the field with long grass in the village at sundown, I have something to say.

Yours sincerely, ???

Sorry I left that on a cliffhanger! I am so glad this chapter is longer and  I typed through it with ease :P

Thank you all for two-thousand reads, there has NEVER been a day where I would've thought that I would receive this much attention on wattpad! (And I know some people get millions of reads on THEIR stories, but you all are special and I love you all <3

So consider this long as chapter a present from me, and I will meet you on.. CHAPTER 20?! 

oH bOi

Cya sooooooon! 

\(灬 ͡♥ 3 ͡♥灬)/

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