5- Nightmares

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Oof I'm back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The reason why I am not uploading another part to my Ayushiki story is because of two wattpad users.. 

@night09876543 and @hawkeyesniper 

thanks so much for voting on every single part of this story so far. I am vewy gweatful !!

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *

enjoy some more of our two favourite sins :3

King's P.O.V

I woke up last night, only to see pretty much my whole body bandaged. And I embarrassingly woke up Diane by screaming. I am such a stupid moron. I wish i could be stronger.. 

It has been a couple of days since I woke up from my unconsciousness. But every night I seem to wake up from the same short nightmare. Someone falling and then someone shouting something to the person falling... I cant see who the person falling is but it seems they are falling from something high, and the screams are muffled. I don't understand what it means, but it could be a sign. I should ask someone like Gowther or Merlin, they would understand.

As I was kind of lost in thought, the door opened and I saw Diane, Meliodas, Ban, Elizabeth, Gowther and Merlin walk inside. Hawk was also there, on Ban's shoulder.

"Sir King, are you alright?" Elizabeth asked. A smile on her face.

"Look who finally decided to wake up~" Ban said in his singing-like voice. 

"Greetings." Gowther added, adjusting his glasses.

I smiled weakly at the sins (including Elizabeth and Hawk.) "H-Hey."

"Yo King," Meliodas spoke. "You seem off. What's up? You're not as awkward as you always are, and when you are not being awkward, something is wrong.." He asked. 

To be honest, the thing that is making me act odd is the nightmares. I will ask Merlin while we are both alone. I dont want the others getting too curious. 

"I'm fine," I lied. 

Diane's P.O.V

"I'm fine," King replied to Meliodas' question, in his weak and shaky voice. He held his stomach and winced in pain. 

"Why don't you use that huge green thingy and heal yourself?~" Ban suddenly spoke. 

"It.. doesn't work too much on wounds this b-big..and plus.. you can't use it on yourself.." King replied. ((I dont know how it works :P))

After a while of speaking to King, we decided that it was time for bed; it was late anyway. Ban tried to convince us into getting drunk again, but we keep our limits and dont drink every night, so we didn't, leaving Ban pretty upset. Everyone slept inside of the Boar Hat, except for me. As the shrinking pills dont last long. I walked outside, waiting to turn back into a giant. When I did, I lay down on the soft grass and shut my eyes, Facing the full, glimmering moon above me.

((Sorry Diane's P.O.V was shorttt :3))

King's P.O.V

As everybody walked out to get some sleep, I lay done in my bed once more and thought about if I would get that short nightmare again. Merlin was only downstairs in the bar, presumably doing random things as she agreed to stay around for a week as she wasn't busy doing her own things. Gowther was also downstairs as he says he doesn't need sleep.

But as I dont' know what will happen yet in my sleep, I decided to try and get some shut-eye. I turned to my side only to see the moon shining on Diane's still body. She looked so peaceful, making  it easier for me to sleep.

I immediately fell into a deep sleep.

and just as I expected earlier, the same dream occurred. I saw someone fall, from somewhere exteremely high. They fell hopelessly as someone screamed at them. But this time something else added onto the nightmare. The person that was falling was caught by the person screaming.

What could this all mean? I thought as I woke up again, holding my head in thought.

I got pretty fed up of it all and finally decided to go and talk to Merlin and Gowther about it. I got up slowly, wincing loudly in pain. I haven't stood up in quite long, maybe a few days. And surely my stomach wasn't in the mood. I wasn't concentrated to fly, as I was exteremely exhausted. I slowly walked down the steps, and surely enough, Merlin and Gowther were sat at one of the tables, playing a card game??? 

I stood there in confusion, not expecting to see Gowther or Merlin playing a card game. As they turned around and looked at me, with no expression. Merlin did have a small smirk on her face like always though.

"Good evening, King. What seems to be the problem?" Merlin asked.

"For the past few nights I have been having the same nightmare.. Someone falling as someone screams at them... I just had the same nightmare and I am wondering if it means anything.." I asked curiously."

"I already know what you are having. You are experiencing something that will happen later on. It can happen years, or days away, what you are having is a very rare thing, though. The people in your nightmares are blurred, right? That means whoever in your nightmares is, can be anyone close, or not that close to you." Merlin explained as she kept the smirk on her face. 

"T-thanks Merlin.." I replied, wide eyed. I wonder what will happen..

I slowly walked back upstairs as the two carried on playing. I got back into bed, so deep in thought that it put me into another deep sleep.

CHAPTER 5 WOOP WOOP :P Thanks so much again to the two I mentioned at the beginning.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D For now, I'm going to bed!



(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


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