17- Feeling

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I have noticed the new people reading this story, and I just wanna say before I start chapter 17, hii XP

I think we should just get into it, so have some Kiane now -w-

Diane's P.O.V

Much relief washed over my whole body as King took my sudden remembrance alright. I forgave him and gave the fairy a long embrace. The last few weeks have been incredibly hard for King; His body constantly being battered by falling buildings, monsters, and his own people!

"It's okay.. I forgive you, Harlequin.." I mumbled. Silence followed shortly after I said his actual name, did I say something wrong? 

Suddenly, I could hear slight sounds coming from King. He was sobbing. I quickly turned my head to look at him. His eyes were red and puffy, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"I-I'm sorry.. Did I say something wrong?" I worriedly asked.

"Not at all.. I'm just so happy that you remember now. I regret making you lose your memories, I just-" 

"I understand why you did it. I would've never gotten over the loss of a best friend.. I should be thanking you for doing that, you had a reason to leave, anyway.." A smile appeared on my face as I tried to lighten the mood, I hate sadness. 

"Thanks, I don't deserve forgiveness.. It feels nice to have someone care about me as a friend so much." King replied, smiling. That's when the same gut feeling returned, and strongly. 

If I am having this feeling every time I'm around King, then does that mean..?

No.. It cant be! Do I really have feelings for Harlequin? The fairy king that helped me when I helped him.. Was I really this blind the whole time?

"You're welcome, It's the least I can do after everything you've done for me these past few weeks.." Hugging him once more, I waved goodbye and told him to get some rest. I had some questions to ask one person.

Quickly making my way out of the small room, I skipped down the stairs and into the bar area of the Boar Hat. I was greeted by the Captain, Elizabeth, Hawk, Ban, Merlin and Gowther. The usual. 

The tavern was closed for the day, and every sin felt like doing absolutely nothing. Meliodas and Elizabeth were getting closer day by day, and I thought nothing of it. If they were this close a couple of weeks ago, jealousy would be my main emotion.

Ban seemed to be talking with Hawk, they had an odd relationship. They were like best friends. I never understood why Ban calls Hawk 'master,' but I just let them do what they like.

Merlin and Gowther were like great friends and they understood each other's problems, but them being a couple would never go out well, as Gowther was technically emotionless. They were both talking at an empty table in the Boar Hat, (mainly Merlin trying to explain things to the sin.)

"Hey, guys!" I spoke happily, receiving a look from everyone. 

"It appears that you are happy, what happened during your conversation with the grizzly sin of sloth, King?" Gowther asked, I gave him a glare. 

"Oh, nothing," I replied. "Elizabeth, can I speak to you?"

Elizabeth turned around once more and smiled. "Yeah, sure! Let's go outside." 

Once we were away from the crowd inside the tavern, I turned my head around to give a serious look at Elizabeth. "I need advice."

"What with, is there a problem?" She replied.

"I love King.. Ever since the Captain rejected my confession, and not to mention how much I was oblivious for how much you should be a couple, I realised the person there for me most was King.. And I love him." I explained to her. She nodded after her face became crimson red at the 'how much you should be a couple part'. 

"I'm glad you finally realised your true love, and you should totally confess to him, but do it at your own time. You did just confess to the Captain. Take your time!" I nodded in reply and thanked the princess. I skipped inside and sat at a table to tend to my own business.

That was chapter 17 ppl! I didn't upload the last chapter too long ago, but I was so overwhelmed with the support that I didn't want to let a single one of you down!

I hope this chapter was good enough, there were some parts that I had no idea what to write about, so hopefully its nice -w-

Thanks alot for the nice comments, reads and votes! Keep it up :3 

See you on chapter 18!!1!

Bye ☜(˚▽˚)☞

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