11- Comfort

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Guess who is back?

Me -_-

And also I would have made this chapter earlier if I wasn't so lazy but I am so no one can blame me >:3

I am not getting bored of the story tho, so dont worry. This story will end when you get the Kiane moment you asked for :)

Anyway, onto the story!

Diane's P.O.V 

I knew I had no other choice but to accept the Captain's answer to my confession, and I had an idea already that this would happen; but I wasn't accepting it inside.

It felt like someone took my heart out of its place and shattered it, right in front of me. I felt as if I wanted to break down and cry right in the spot. Is there ever going to be someone I could love as much as I did for the Captain? I wore a fake smile and fled the area, also skipping to add to faking the happiness. I knew at that exact moment where I wanted to go.

I arrived at my destination. On the left side of the Tavern stood a hill, and at the top lay a huge cliff. I always go there when times are sad for me and I figured this would be the best area to be right now. Somewhere private where I could keep to myself and possibly not get caught crying.

I finally managed to get to the cliff, and I just sat down, my legs dangling off the cliff like a leaf on a tree during the deep season of autumn.

I tried to focus only above me, as I stared up at the now dark sky. The stars began to make themselves visible as they shined like golden glitter. I looked down at my legs and my mind was brought to The Captain again.

I frowned and I felt liquid start to roll down my cheeks. I didn't want to cry but all I seemed to think about was what just happened.

I wiped my tears quickly and brought my mind to something else, like funny moments that occurred when I was with the sins. And this seemed to work surprisingly. I finally smiled and started swinging my feet back and forth. Maybe I can forget about my crush and move on..

King's P.O.V

I woke up at around 10 in the night, and figured that I had gotten enough sleep. I wasn't sure what I was going to do to make myself tired again, so I decided to just take a visit at the cliff nearby. It's a peaceful place to be at this time of night. I floated down the wooden steps and instantly saw Ban's drunken self snoring loudly on the floor.

"Pretty normal, I guess.." I mumbled.

I then saw Meliodas and Gowther. Meliodas was only a little drunk, but asleep and Gowther was reading. Also normal...

"And Diane- where is Diane??" I thought to myself. I assumed that she was just out doing her own things, as the sins going out whatever time they want is normal. I flew out of the Boar Hat's wooden door and made my way over to the cliff.

I made my way to the top slowly and I noticed something sitting by the edge of the cliff. As I took a closer look I realised that it was Diane! 

"Diane?" I shout, loud for her to hear but not to wake anyone up nearby.

I see her turn around to look at me and as she realises it's me she smiles and motions for me to sit next to her. I blush a bit and set myself on the ground, walking over to her and sitting down too, my legs also hanging freely over the cliff.

Diane's P.O.V

As King sits down next to me I only just realise how cold I am, as I started shaking and I felt the cold air hit my body. He must have noticed and he took off his jacket, giving it to me. I blushed heavily and took it.

I then just realised something.. odd... 

I was blushing.

I could have just been red for another reason but I could feel the heat rise up to my cheeks and warm myself up a bit. It's just a friendly act, right? ((Shut up, Diane. ಠ╭╮ಠ))

"Th-thanks.." I say, putting on the jacket and instantly feeling the warmth I felt before.

"So.. Why are you out here so late.?" He asked me with a concerned look. 

I decided just to tell him as he isn't a stranger, it's not like he wants to know, but maybe telling someone will make me feel better.

"The Captain didn't accept my confession... But It's okay! There are plenty more fish in the sea!" I say with the happiest look I can make.

For some reason, I see some sort of instant shine in his eyes, before it disappeared and a frown appeared on his face.

"Are you sure you're okay? I'm sorry to hear that he rejected you.." He said with worry in his voice.

"I swear, I am okay!" I smiled brightly. "Now come on, let's go and get some rest!" I grabbed his hand and quickly skipped to the Boar hat. I took another shrinking pill and decided to sleep inside.

I then realised that I had nowhere to sleep, as I usually sleep outside and all the rooms are occupied. "Oh, I have nowhere to sleep.." I whisper to myself, but it seemed that King heard, as he motioned me over to him.

I sat down next to King as I realised what he was doing. He was sorting out his sacred treasure, Chastiefol. He turned it into his pillow and he told me to lie down on it.. .

With him..

I felt the heat rise up my cheeks again and I nodded quickly, laying my head on it. He did the same and I instantly felt myself falling into a deep sleep.

That was chapter 11! And finally, I made a Kiane moment! I hope this was good enough for you! Diane is starting to realise who is best for her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Make sure to Vote, and comment! Every little piece is appreciated :3

See you on chapter 12!


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