10- Confession

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I was just writing this chapter and it randomly deleted all of my progress!!

I hate my life right now XD I have to redo all of my progress :(((((

Anyway, sorry I haven't uploaded lately, but here have a free chapter :P

Thanks to @YourWh0leUniverse for mentioning my story on theirs, you should check out their King x Diane story, its amazing 0w0


King's P.O.V

I sat at one of the trees in a forest nearby the tavern, crying uncontrollably until Meliodas showed up. I told him where to meet Diane, thinking that he hadn't seen me sobbing. Once he disappeared, I started crying once again.

My brain knew that this was the best thing to do for Diane, and seeing her happy was a good thing but my heart thought the opposite. It kept reminding me that I would never get a chance to be with Diane and that will never change. My heart was shattered to be exact, and I felt like it will never be fixed. I decided to try and take my mind off things and I quickly made my way back to the now empty Boar Hat. I slowly flew towards the nearest room, my feet dragging across the wooden floor.

I looked into a mirror that was built in the wall and noticed just how much of a mess I looked. 

My eyes were red and puffy from the tears and I was gasping for air. I looked horrible. I wiped my face repeatedly with my hands and forced myself onto the bed.

I buried my face in chastiefol's pillow form and tried my hardest not to start sobbing again, attempting to clear my mind and fall asleep.

Diane's P.O.V

As I stood in the long grass, the breeze seemed to slightly move my hair and the sunlight shined on me. It was becoming sunset and the sky was turning a shade of dark orange, making the scenery look amazing.

I became more and more nervous as I thought of the many scenarios that could end out after I confess. I grabbed one of my pigtails and pulled it to my face like I always do.

I was also overjoyed that I can get the feelings that were stuck inside of me free, and that even if the captain rejects me, he would know my feelings for him.

(Whoa this is cheesy)

I look into the distance and I notice something blonde coming closer to me. I noticed it belonged to the captain and I giggled a bit, not forgetting how short he is.

I didn't notice he was right in front of me until his arm reached up to me and he waved his hand in my face. I looked down and noticed none other than the captain himself, as he smiled up at me.

"Hey." He waved up at me as I noticed myself slowly gazing into his emerald green eyes.

"H-Hi.." I managed to blurt out.

"King sent me here, what did you want to tell me?" The captain raised his eyebrow slightly. I opened my mouth and prepared myself, as I felt the heat rise up my cheeks.

"Y-you probably know this already.. but.. I want to get it off of my chest.. I have feelings for you.. for a long time actually.. and no matter what you say I just want you to know that I like you.." I managed to blurt out all at one time, noticing that I was stuttering and pausing the whole time. 

I could feel my cheeks getting hotter in embarrassment and I covered my whole face with both of my pigtails as the nervousness became too much.

Meliodas' P.O.V

I knew exactly what Diane was going to say, but I didn't have an answer. I didn't want to sound too mean and I kind of felt bad for rejecting her, but then I thought of Elizabeth and King, so I knew explaining to Diane would maybe get her love for me to change, And King could feel better.

"I'm sorry Diane, I am not the right kind of person for you. I know there will be someone else out there that is for you. (Ahem.. King,) So hopefully you are cool with that?" I tried my best to use nice words so that she would understand.

"Oh.. Okay! At least you know now!" She told me in a happy tone. But for some reason I had a feeling she was faking the happiness and she was really not happy with my answer. 

She just needs to realise that there is another sin that is perfect for her.. I thought as I smirked slightly, seeing her skip back towards the tavern's direction. 

CHAPTER 10! Hopefully that was a long enough chapter as I realised just now that some of my chapters are short but yeah! Anyways its getting jUiCy! 

See ya on chapter 11!

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