22- Christmas

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Hello people!

This chapter is going to be a little bonus one, because of the fact that it is Christmas! (Well, for me it is. It's pretty late that I am uploading this and it might be midnight by the time I'm finished!) Merry Christmas to the people that celebrate it on the 25th though, and if not, I hope you enjoy anyway!

Let's get onto the chapter!

Diane's P.O.V

It had been almost a week or two since me and King started a whole new level of our relationship. There was not one regret of mine for confessing to him on that day, and if I could, I wouldn't change anything about how it happened. It felt great knowing that he still loved me back after all of these years.

I thought deeply about all of this as I sat on the grass outside of the Boar Hat. I couldn't care less about how cold it was, as it was pretty late into the winter. I would've stayed outside alone if King didn't approach me. 

"Hey Diane, are you alright?" He asked, making me look over to him with a small smile. 

"I'm fine, just thinking about a few things," I replied, "you worry about me a lot!" King blushed just like how he normally does at what I had said.

"T-That's because I care about you..! And I was going to tell you to come inside, it's really cold out here." He stated, making me laugh slightly and sigh in defeat. "Alright, I'll be there in a moment." 

King nodded and flew back into the tavern. I sat in silence for a moment or two before taking one of my handy pills and shrinking to human size. After getting ready, I walked into the Boar Hat. Elizabeth greeted me with a wave and one of her gleeful smiles. Returning the kind gesture, I sat at an empty table.

King's P.O.V

I watched as Diane entered the tavern. We both exchanged smiles before I sighed and remembered something that the captain had announced to us a few days before. He mentioned Christmas, a holiday that humans usually celebrated at this kind of year. It was the 25th of December to be exact, and it came to my realisation that today was that date. 

It's not like I really cared that much for this, but there was a feeling that I wanted to get something for Diane to show how much I cared about her. I wasn't sure what that would be exactly, but a small look around the stalls at the village could reveal the perfect gift.

I decided that this was what I wanted to do and stood up, heading towards the door. Ban pulled me back by the hood of my coat before I could get outside. 

"Hey King, where are you going?" He asked in a tired and slightly slurred tone. He had gotten drunk the night before and was currently suffering the consequences. 

"I'm going outside to wander around. I need some fresh air, that's all." I replied, receiving a suspicious nod from him before he lets me go. I flew outside and towards the village. 

As I approached my destination, I realised just how busy it was. Everybody seemed to be scattered around the areas where the stalls were. Just my luck. 

'Was it because of Christmas and how people buy gifts for each other just like what I'm going to do?' I pondered to myself before landing. Getting past all of these people and finding a nice present for Diane would be a difficult task. I started off by slowly walking around the place and taking in my surroundings, occasionally stopping to look at a few things that people had for sale.

And just like how I should've expected it, nothing was good enough. Everything was something completely useless, or something that Diane would take one look at and regret ever confessing to me. This one thought made me start to worry and frantically pass every stall in search for just something  that would stand out. Nothing did. And to make things worse, I had already passed every single stall and still hadn't gotten at least ONE thing.

Sighing sadly, I leaned on a random building where it was less crowded and covered my face in my hands. I felt as if everything was my fault and that I was not good enough for the one I love. I wondered if doing this idea was worth it, and started to regret my decisions. Just as I decided to go back to the Boar Hat, I heard a familiar voice. 

"What's got you looking down?" I heard someone say, instantly making me recognise their voice. I grabbed the helmet that was attached to my coat's hood and placed it on my head. My guesses were correct when I see Helbram standing in front of me. He had been guiding me using the helmet ever since I had sadly murdered him for the third time. 

"Oh, hey.. It's just that I can't find Diane the perfect present for Christmas and I feel like I'm not being good enough for her.." I replied, looking down. I heard him laugh slightly. 

"And so you came here of all places to look for a gift? C'mon, Harlequin, you know well enough that she would appreciate something special." Helbram said, making me look up at him with a confused face. "What does that mean?"

"Well, it means that looking at some stalls at some random village isn't going to give her a special gift. Something that you might prepare or even create for her would be considered a proper present."

I finally understood what he had meant. If I randomly pick something from here, no matter how expensive it is, it wouldn't be considered something that I had put my time into getting for her. I nodded and gave my best friend a confident smile. "Thanks!" I said, making him show me a thumbs-up. "It's no problem!"

I carefully placed the helmet back off of my head and quickly flew my way back to the Boar Hat. I knew what I wanted to create for Diane as it was something that I was good at making and could be done quickly. It was getting reasonably dark anyway.

Heading back as quickly as possible, I opened the door and entered, being greeted by the others. I waved and said hello before rushing up the stairs and into one of the rooms. 

Diane's P.O.V

I saw King rush into the tavern and greet everybody before going upstairs. It left me wondering if something was wrong but I decided just to leave it alone and carry on with what I was doing. The night's sky looked beautiful, as the stars really stood out more than they usually did, making me want to go outside and appreciate the view from where the Boar Hat was. That's exactly what I did. I walked outside and sat down, looking up at the sky and ignoring the bitter coldness that followed with the wind.

Sitting in that same position for a while, I never realised that King had came outside and approached me. He tapped me on the shoulder to grab my attention. Turning around, I notice who it was. "Oh, hey King!" I chirped, standing up to give him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and smiled shyly. 

"H-Hey Diane.. I just wanted to give something to you.." He said quietly. I nodded and raised a brow slightly, watching as he pulled his hand from behind his back and showed a gift to me. It was wrapped neatly with a small bow on top. Is this a Christmas present from him?

King gave it to me, indicating that he wanted me to open it. I took the present and started to unwrap it. My eyes lit up when what was inside first caught my eye. 

It was a beautiful, warm-looking pink dress that was definitely suitable for the winter. It was decorated carefully and even came with a few extra accessories. 

"I-I understand if you don't like it..!" He said with a hint of panic in his voice. I shook my head repeatedly. 

"It's beautiful! Did you make this??" I asked with a grateful smile on my face. King nodded slowly with a blush on his face. I wrapped my arms around him. 

"Thank you! I really appreciate it, anything made by you is something I'll cherish forever!" I told him excitedly. His blush became even more visible, making me giggle. I suddenly remembered that I hadn't gotten him a gift yet, which made me worry a little bit. 

"I'm so sorry, I haven't gotten you a present!" I apologised frantically. He just smiled up at me. 

"I don't mind, as long as I have you."

Ahh, It's half-past midnight! That means it's not Christmas anymore ;-; I hope this chapter was good and if there is any problems then please tell me. It's really late and I'm extremely tired so I might've made a few mistakes here-and-there!

And yes, this chapter is now based around season 2, so sorry if people haven't watched it yet because this includes some spoilers!

Anyway, I need to hibernate so I'll see you on the next chapter! Goodbye!

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