Chapter 1: Storm Front

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Swirling clouds unleashed a howling tempest just beyond the glass of the gunship shrinking into the horizon of the night sky. Blinking lights pulsed in a steady rhythm across the black veil of darkness. Lying on the floor, Julia looked around the interior of the gunship, trying to find some way to escape. Grey metal walls with benches bolted to them, a few hanging handgrips, and thick glass. Bleak prospects. Staring at the door latch, Julia realized opening the door would still leave her thousands of feet in the air, and, without a parachute, that seemed a futile idea. Feeling underneath the seat, Julia found a bar that gave a little when she tugged at it. Finding a lose bolt, she began to loosen it while staring forward, trying to not draw attention. Wind buffeted the gunship, rocking the occupants with its steady fury.

Glancing over, the leader of the assailants noticed his hostage searching for a way to escape. The other members of the team seemed oblivious to the woman's attempts. Underneath the mask, the assailant smiled, admiring this young girl's resolve. The wolf Pack had taken hostages before, when the job demanded it. Experience had proven that most people submitted in the face of overwhelming force.

With each second, the bolt holding the bar in place loosened. Julia's fingers hurt from trying to turn the nut, but her efforts were rewarded when it finally came free of the bolt. She caught it before the nut hit the floor. Sweat beading on the forehead, and she managed to keep her composure. Feeling the bar snap free, all she needed was the right moment.

"We will reach international waters in ten minutes, but the storm is getting worse, so strap in and hold on." Howling winds outside challenged the volume of the pilot's voice over the intercom. Several of the assailants began strapping themselves into their seats. Wind buffed the gunship with increasing violence. Looking out the window, Julia couldn't see through constant snowfall. Flying over frozen water far below, the gunship pressed on through the whiteout created by the storm's fury.

Walking towards a seat, one of the assailants lost his balance from the sudden inertia shift and tumbled onto the floor. Grabbing the opportunity, Julia leapt forward, smashing the pipe into the back of the assailant's head. The first hit was followed by a knee to the face. Everyone turned to address the situation. Everyone but the leader seemed shocked. Smirking behind a mask, the leader stood still, watching the fight. Still dazed, the person on the ground struggled to get up. Grabbing the fallen assailant, Julia pulled the pistol from his holster and tried to steady the gun shaking in her hands. Nerves, combined with the sudden shifts caused by the storm, made that impossible. Intent filled her eyes as she aimed at the leader's chest

"Turn us around, or I kill your friend. Now!" Julia waited for someone to move. None of the other assailants reacted to the situation, and everyone remained in their seats, seeming unconcerned.

Pulling off the mask, the leader revealed his face. Multiple scars raced across the middle-aged man's face. One of the largest scars cut across the eyebrow, over the bridge of the nose, and down the other cheek, showing the man's resilience. One eye had been blinded before being replaced with a cybernetic eye.

Pushing the gun into the man's back, Julia stared at the leader's piercing gaze. Standing resolute, the man's cybernetic eye whirled and oscillated, trying to focus. Regaining his senses, the assailant could feel the barrel of the pistol buried into the center of his back. Instinct instructed Julia to keep a step between her and the human shield in case they tried to spin around.

Taking a step forward, the scarred leader held his hands up to show no hostile intentions. "Well done, Julia, but we can't let you go. I know you don't understand the situation. We're trying to keep you safe from your father's enemies."

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