Chapter 16: Blood Debt

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Cramped into the tight space of the air duct, Cpt. Anderson led his team towards the objective. Crouched down, and standing on the balls of their feet, each member of the team moved forward with cautious steps. Any noise could alert the guards on the catwalk about the team's approach. The element of surprise was essential. Achilles hadn't informed anyone about the exact details of what he was doing. Air raced through the air ducts, whistling through the steel tunnel. Max worried about what was happening ever since he lost communication with Achilles' neural implant. Anxiety caused everyone's heart to race.

Noise echoed up from the Command Center and funnelled down the air duct. Indistinct voices came from down the corridors. Even with cybernetic enhancements, it was impossible to hear what was being said. Sounds echoed in the empty air ducts and blended together. Drawing closer to the Command Center, Max struggled to make out what was being said. Looking at the schematic for the air ducts, Kendra knew the team was close.

"Sir, according to Achilles' intelligence report and the ventilation system schematics, we've got about fifty meters to go." Kendra's report broke her commander's thoughts for a second. Intelligence also showed the catwalk was being patrolled by ten Red Guard soldiers. Max needed to find a way to take out the guards without alerting the people below.

"There are ten guards patrolling the catwalk. Kendra, you have any ideas on how to neutralize them quietly?"

"I thought you'd never ask, sir." Reaching into a pouch, Kendra pulled out a dozen small orbs. Springing to life, the orbs hovered in the air. Using the neural network, Max could see the orbs in his mind, but had no clue what the floating balls did. The orbs appeared to be some kind of miniature drone technology. Kendra was a whiz at making all kinds of neat little devices, and the team relied on her engineering and technological prowess.

"What do these do?" Max's thoughts raced through the network of minds.

"I call these little things 'Seekers.' I designed them to hunt down targets, and they carry powerful neurotoxin darts. They can go undetected where we can't." Shimmering for a brief moment, the orbs vanished from sight. Marvelling at the brilliance of the orbs, Max couldn't help but smile.

"You never fail to impress me."

A smile crept across Kendra's lips, cracking her otherwise stern appearance. Video feed began streaming through the neural network uniting the team's minds. The orbs moved through the duct and slipped between the vent grates into the Command Center. Scanning the room, the drones showed the location of all the guards patrolling the catwalk, but the video caught what was transpiring below--Achilles bound and standing before Ivan.

"Are you seeing what I am, sir?" Kendra's mind directed the drone's optics to zoom in on the sight below. Several of the Red Guards presented Achilles to their boss. Other soldiers worked to close the heavy blast doors to the Command Center. Max knew the situation was critical now.

"Drop those guards now!" Max's order boomed through the neural implant, resonating with the emotions churning in his mind. Sweeping around, the orbs moved towards the targets Kendra had designated. None of the soldiers on the catwalk had any clue what was going on. Coordinating the attack, Kendra watched the drones firing darts at their targets. Tracking programs on the drones reported success once they had scanned vital signs. The toxin was pumping through the guards' vascular system and was already beginning to attack their minds.

None of the guards had time to react. The poison attacked the neurons of the victim's brain, shutting down all autonomic functions. Lungs stopped pumping, hearts stopped beating, and video showed the soldiers collapsing. Within ten seconds, every single guard on the catwalk was on the ground, grasping to breathe, but their lungs refused to work.

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