Chapter 35: Escalating Conflict

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Descending from the sky, the Muse shuttle landed on the deck of the Alesia. Muse employees rushed across the deck towards the shuttle. The entire deck was full of fighters in bays ready to launch and the crews working on the craft. Everyone on the deck was in a flurry of motion. Henry knew something was up. There was glaring damage on the once pristine metal hull of the vehicle. Maj. Lee exited the conning tower of the Alesia and marched towards the shuttle. Muse fighters had been dispatched to aid the shuttle when it came under fire in a remote region of the Islamic Republic. Edward was still wondering why Henry had taken a flight path that took him through enemy airspace.

Descending from the shuttle, Henry looked at the damage his ship had taken during the return. Hull plating was scored from missiles detonated by countermeasures. Blackened marks etched the surface of the shuttle. Flak peppered the once sleek hull of the ship, riddling it with small holes. None of the crew had come to harm. Cpt. Anderson led his honour guard out behind his commander. The rest of the Beijing team had already arrived back on the Alesia long before Henry and his team.

Stopping in front of the shuttle, Maj. Lee saluted his commander. "Sir, we've been expecting your return for some time now. I am curious as to why you would make an unannounced stop in enemy-controlled territory."

Henry saluted his friend and started walking towards the conning tower on the Alesia. Following behind, Cpt. Anderson's team continued the duty of protecting the CEO until he dismissed them. Henry turned to Maj. Lee, who was walking alongside of him.

"We needed to drop operative Kincaide off to rendezvous with a group of freedom fighters. Allah's Warriors have been causing a lot of trouble for the Islamic Republic."

Maj. Lee was familiar with the story of the freedom fighters. Allah's Warriors were led by a mysterious man known as Muhammad Saladin. There was very little intelligence on the man, and even the Islamic Republic had no clue what Saladin even looked like. Maj. Lee wondered what the purpose was behind it.

"Sir, you know you didn't have go yourself. We could have scrambled an insertion team to aid operative Kincaide."

Stopping outside the door, Henry turned back to Cpt. Anderson. Max and his team looked exhausted from all the stress of the last few days. Henry looked at Max's weary eyes before speaking.

"Cpt. Anderson, you and your men are dismissed from duty. Go get some food and rest. You're all on temporary stand down until I have a location." Henry saluted his friend and team, who returned the gesture. Cpt. Anderson and his team were happy to get the break and headed off towards the mess hall to get some food, rest, and relaxation. Maj. Lee's curiosity beamed from his face.

"What locations, sir?" Henry knew there was much to tell Edward and motioned for him to follow. Entering the conning tower, the two men headed towards the command deck. Ascending the stairs, Maj. Lee wondered about what had happened in Beijing, and whether or not Julia was safe. Henry stopped outside the command center and turned to his friend to explain the situation they both now faced.

"Zhou Yun was responsible for Julia's abduction, but it wasn't to hurt her. I was given information that shows that my daughter is alive and unharmed, but only this Muhammad Saladin knows the location of the safe house."

The situation made sense to Edward now. Henry wanted to continue the search without alerting his allies, who were watching his every move. Maj. Lee was almost too scared to ask about what had happened in China.

"Sir, what did you do with Zhou Yun?"

Henry laughed.

"For now, I let him live. But don't worry, old friend. There will be a day of reckoning. I just didn't want to be the cause of China entering the war. Now, what is going on with all the activity on the deck?"

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