Chapter 43: Total War

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Henry woke early in the morning to banging on the door. Light was just beginning to crest the horizon, and it beamed through the window. His cybernetic eyes adjusted to the new light level the second his eyes opened. Bursting into the room, Maj. Lee looked at his commander still disorientated from sleep. Seeing the look on Edward's face, Henry knew something important was happening.

"Sir, NATO Command has authorized your offensive. Forces are already mustering in preparation for the attack. Troops from the Cybernetic Assault Division are beginning to arrive."

Henry's heart started to pound. Blood thundered through his veins, revitalizing him and causing him to leap from the bed.

"Maj. Lee, I want you to move all assets into position. Have Lt. Malarkey prepare to launch the net attack against IRME." Henry grabbed his jacket from the wooden coat rack and threw it on before noticing the look on Edward's face.

Edward pointed out the window at the approaching aircraft. The vessel was visible on the horizon. "General Navarro wants to meet with you personally, sir. He'll be arriving in about five minutes."

Surprised by the news, Henry wondered why the General was coming.

"Did the General give any reason for this visit?" Time was short, so Henry continued to get ready while talking. Maj. Lee held the door open for his commander.

"General Navarro stated he wished to give an address to the troops from the deck of the Alesia and watch the operation from the command post. I am not sure why the sudden change, but it is apparent that the General is worried about the operation."

Racing out of the office, both men headed towards the hatch to the Alesia's deck. Henry didn't have time to babysit the General, but the man would expect a proper reception. Everyone in the command post was in a flurry of activity, preparing for Operation Cerberus.

Heading down the steps, Maj. Lee handed his commander the report. Edward had already seen to the reception. Going over the information, Henry couldn't see anything he had missed. When the two men exited the conning tower, troops were already lining the deck in formation. All hands were prepared to greet General Navarro. Glancing around, Henry spotted the military rank of his new Cybernetic Assault Division. Hundreds of soldiers from the new division were standing next to the Muse troops on the deck.

Leading one of the companies, Cpt. Robert Cross stood stoic in front of his troops. Walking the deck, Henry was greeted by the salutes of his men, and he noticed the young captain standing out front. Approaching the Alesia was the General's escort and shuttlecraft. Early morning sunlight glared off the shiny vessel that was touching down on the deck of the Alesia. Henry and his troops saluted the officer when he exited the shuttle. Stepping out, General Navarro looked at the line of people saluting him and returned the gesture before approaching Henry.

"Well, this is a hell of a group of soldiers you've got here. I guess it makes sense, considering this is one hell of a plan you've proposed. I want to congratulate Lt. Malarkey personally for cracking IRME's network encryption. Where is the lieutenant?" General Navarro was the very image of a proper soldier. Grit was permanently engrained in the man's face.

"Lt. Malarkey is preparing for the operation in the Command Center. I had all available officers and soldiers prepare the formal greeting. Maj. Lee here will escort you to the Command Center, sir." Maj. Lee waited for the General to follow.

Curiosity burned in General Navarro's eyes. "Won't you be joining us, General Williams?"

Henry pointed to the new Cybernetic Assault Division that just arrived earlier in the morning.

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