Chapter 48: Tide in the Affairs of Men

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Streaking across the sky, the Muse shuttle flew with several squadrons of fighters surrounding the vessel. Intermitted flak fire burst from the ground and rocked the vessel. Everyone inside blocked out the sensation and tried to silence the fear. Henry paced back and forth inside the shuttle. He felt the weight of every second bearing down on him, and the fear of losing Julia was overwhelming.Reports over the Muse Network showed IRME forces had begun pushing north from Basra.

Looking out the window, Henry could see bright oranges and red flashing amongst the clouds. IRME fighters were putting up a strong defense, but allies were gaining ground. Explosions sent debris raining down from the heavens. Fragments from destroyed fighters streaked across the skies in the distance, leaving fire in their wake. All across the skies, a storm of metal and flames raged around the shuttle. Listening to the Muse neural network, Henry caught the broadcast from his unit.

"This is Lt. Myers requesting an immediate evacuation at my location. We have two wounded, and one is life threatening, requiring immediate surgery. We're under heavy attack by IRME forces just west of Kut. Repeat, we need immediate evac for Julia Williams."

The report set Henry's emotions ablaze.

Interference from IRME forces was still disrupting communications. Henry tried to establish a secure connection with the unit. Hearing the report, Kendra tried to boost the signal and clear up the interference. Henry felt he was in a race against time. Managing to lock in communications, Kendra motioned to her commander.

"Sir, I've got coms up, but I don't know how long they're going to last. Make it count."

Accessing the Muse neural network, Henry reached out to the lieutenant.

"This is General Williams. What is the current situation, Lt. Myers?"

Interference crackled in response, but Kendra's diligence allowed her to clear the signal up. Everyone on the shuttle fell quiet. All attention was now fixed on Henry. Explosions and gunfire made it hard to hear Lt. Myer's report.

"Sir, we are being pressed by IRME forces from Kut. Cpt. Cross was injured trying to get Julia to cover. Sgt. Colby and Operative Kincaide are working on Julia now, but it doesn't look good, sir."

The shuttle was only a minute away. Everyone could see the anger rising in Henry.

Cpt. Anderson knew it was time to get his troops ready for the battle. Guns clicked in succession. Everyone geared up and locked in for the combat drop. Flak exploded in the sky, shaking the shuttle ferociously. Descending from the sky, the shuttle charged toward the beleaguered unit. Henry turned his attention to the most important matter and accessed the Command Center using his neural implant.

"This is General Williams requesting all available forces begin bombarding IRME forces on the outskirts of Kut. Bring everything we have to bear on the enemy. I want that entire city razed to the ground!" Henry lashed out with fury.

Maj. Lee looked at General Navarro to see his reaction to the request.

For a moment, the Supreme Allied Commander hesitated, glancing over the strategic map. Allied forces had managed to secure the northern and southern fronts, freeing up air power. Taking in the situation, General Navarro weighed his options. Allied forces were pushing towards Basra with the majority of the air power available. Maj. Lee could see hesitation in the General's eyes and prepared to issue orders himself.

"General Williams needs our support, sir," Maj. Lee stated. Pressing the issue, Edward hoped not to have to force the situation physically. Soldiers in the command post looked on with horror at the news. Julia's life now hung in the balance. General Navarro turned to the Major with a grim expression on his face.

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