Chapter 46: Deterministic Chaos

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Racing through the city streets, Julia didn't have time to stop and catch her breath. Chaos and his team were catching up. Her muscles burned and she gasped for oxygen, but adrenaline raced through her veins, bestowing her with strength.

Gunfire echoed in the streets of Kut. Fury had her team return fire on pursuing IRME forces. She was trying to keep the enemy suppressed.

Julia kept running, and she didn't look back, despite the fear gnawing at her. She followed the route in her mind she had plotted.

Bullets whizzed through the air. IRME forces tried to fire on the man racing after the woman in the city streets. Firing from cover, Fury and her team continued to make it almost impossible for IRME to get a clean shot. Tanks rolled behind IRME forces, pushing the soldiers forward. Gunners on the tank opened fire on Fury's team. Fifty-calibre machine guns ripped into the buildings, sending debris flying through the air. Gun smoke filled the city streets with a dim haze and filled the air with the smell of gunpowder.

Spotting an alley, Julia darted towards it to escape the gunfire echoing behind her. Chaos raced after the woman, following her into the alley. Julia didn't bother trying to slow down her pursuer, and, instead, remained focused on fleeing. Screams from the citizens of Kut echoed through the city, and panicked people ran through the streets. Knocking people aside in the alleyway, Julia continue to run towards the next street, trying to escape the city.

"This is Julia Williams. I'm being pursued by my kidnappers and enemy troops. I need immediate assistance. Repeat, this is Julia Williams calling for assistance from any nearby Muse forces." Instinct fuelled the transmission. Julia prayed someone was listening who could help, but continued running.

Hearing the communication, Chaos pushed himself harder. IRME forces would have caught the signal, and now knew whom it was they were pursuing. When the communication line went dead, Julia felt she was on her own. Fear now drove every muscle. Breaking through the people and back onto the city street, Julia could see more IRME forces marching down the street. Machine gun fire pelted the ground all around Julia, forcing her back into the alley.

Chaos was closing in. There was only one thing left to do, in Julia's mind. Bounding over some crates, Chaos knew he had no choice but to continue forward. Julia opened fire with the pistol. Heightened reflexes allowed Chaos to use his cybernetic arm prosthetics to block the incoming fire.

Round after round failed to do any damage to Julia's assailant, forcing her back towards the street. Knocking the gun aside, Chaos pulled Julia back from the street just before machine gun fire tore into the side of the building. IRME forces began to press towards the alleyway to capture the intruders. Struggling to break free, Julia refused to be taken hostage again. Dragging the woman back, Chaos tried to calm her down.

"Didn't I tell you to always stay aware of your environment?"

Julia was too busy struggling to break free to hear the words. Dazed by an elbow to the head, Chaos lost his grip. Diving for the gun, Julia hit the ground, spun around, and aimed the pistol at the man's head. Regaining his bearing, Chaos just looked down.

"Get up out of the dirt, Julia. We've got to get you to safety. Go ahead, pull the trigger and find out the gun's empty." Looking down the alleyway, Chaos saw his team approaching to support him.

Pulling the trigger, Julia heard the clicking noise.

"I'm not going back to that prison you built for me!" Leaping back up, Julia landed on her feet and was prepared to attack.

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