Chapter 24: New Ventures

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In an attempt to compete with Muse Industries, Colt had decided to venture into drone production. Drone warfare and devices had become the backbone of many militaries since its inception. Crossfire Industries now almost ready to enter the drone business. Colt had managed to negotiate a deal with two other major industries to back his plan. Dauntless Motors had created the new gravity drive that had taken the world by storm. Joining together the two companies was the start-up company Inception Computers. IC had created the first working heuristic processor that allowed computers to simulate human cognition. IC had dubbed the technology "virtual intelligence." When the CEO of Knight Productions heard of Crossfire Industries' new plans, they had signed up to house the primary production for the new drone technology. Everyone wanted a shot at undoing Muse and creating a new market.

Arriving at the main production facility, Colt was greeted by his partners just outside the massive facility. Machines hummed from inside the building. Steam and smoke pumped from the open bay doors. Damien Knight had become well known for his nano-construction processes and seemed unable to contain his excitement. In fact, the other two members seemed ecstatic. Excitement filled the air, and even Colt could feel his heart rate increasing.

"Howdy!" Colt's Texan accent and brevity filled the air. "So what's this news about a breakthrough?"

Damien towered above his partners at almost seven feet tall, and his excitement caused him to rush towards Colt to show him. He produced a data pad to present to his partner and began scrolling through the pictures. Theyshow schematics of the first assembled human replica security drone. The drone stood six feet tall, and sharp angles gave it a fierce visage. Colt loved the design but wondered about its capabilities. Sensing the question, Damien knew it was time to sell.

"Don't worry about the design. That isn't even the most exciting part, Mr. Cross. Building on the back of Elizabeth's breakthrough in virtual intelligence is what really makes this drone shine. Come with me."

The group of partners followed Damien into the facility. Knight Security kept the building on complete lockdown. Guards were positioned everywhere. Every conceivable security measure had been implemented to protect the secret production.

Elizabeth Rothschild was a brilliant computer programmer way ahead of her time. Only twenty-four years old, the computer programmer was already shocking the world. Elizabeth had created a search program that, through a neural implant, seized on a person's desire and searched to find it. What really made the search engine shine was how quickly and accurately it found what the person was searching for. The technology had allowed Elizabeth to start up Inception Computing, but this latest breakthrough would change the world.

Elizabeth called it virtual intelligence. Building on the core programming that allowed the search program to find what the user wanted by reading thoughts, and this new technology, it mimicked the way people thought by using a similar algorithm. Knight Productions provided the body, Dauntless Motors provided the gravity reactor at the heart of the drone, and Elizabeth's virtual intelligence provided the brain. Colt owned the controlling interest because he had provided the bulk of funding and had brought the group together for the venture.

Walking through the factory, Colt was impressed by what he saw. Large machines were already turning out drones with great alacrity. Colt was a little upset that Damien had begun production without discussing it, but, if the excitement everyone was feeling was true, maybe it was a great idea. Standing in front of the elevator, the group waited to descend to the research facility underground. Colt looked at Elizabeth, admiring the woman's beauty for a moment before speaking to her.

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