Chapter 6: Training Day

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Chapter 6: Training Day

"You can't train Julia! I mean, she almost managed to escape on the helicopter, and now you want to train her how to fight?" Fury unleashed her criticism with unrelenting disapproval. Everyone else in the Wolf Pack seemed to agree with the fiery second in command. Chaos sat silent, allowing the team to release their anger.

"You're putting our entire group's lives in danger, and jeopardizing our contract.Are you even listening to me?"

"Calm down Fury. It's far more complicated than you know." Chaos spoke with authority, and his words took hold of the rest of the team. Only Fury seemed unmoved by them. Every member of the team had their own secrets and past, and most of the time, it never interfered with the team dynamic. This time it was different.

"For the last ten years, you have refused every single job that would put the Wolf Pack against Muse Industries. Now, we have Henry William's daughter with us, and you're talking about training her. You need to explain this to me right now, because I need to understand what is so special about this girl." Fury stood face to face with Chaos, staring into his eyes and breathing heavily from the anger coursing through her veins.

Truth was, Chaos couldn't explain this to his friend and second in command. The team, however, needed to know the plan in order to follow it. Weighing variables and the situation, Chaos wasn't sure exactly how to accomplish both objectives. Loyalty would keep the Wolf Pack together, but loyalty also demanded that he come up with an explanation. At least a plan they could all get behind. Only one solution stood out in the leader's mind.

"Zero, I want you to create a digital construct that appears to be a real world. I want it to include everything necessary to trick Julia into believing it's real. Berserker, I need you to look at what we got and assemble a sleeping sensory deprivation tank for Julia. The tank must be linked to the digital world and translate the training into muscle growth and memory." Both people nodded in agreement at the command.

"Well, that takes care of Julia attempting to escape, but fails to inform any of us why it is important to teach this girl anything. I mean, we're not being paid to do this, and all we're supposed to do is watch over her. I need to know why this is so important to you." Fury didn't make demands often, and only when she believed it was in the best interests of the team. Instinct told Chaos that his second in command would not let this rest without some kind of explanation.

"I don't expect you to understand, and I can't explain it, but I owe both Julia and her father this. I wasn't lying when I told her I would train her to make sure this never happens again. I have to do this, and I can't do this without your support. We've served together for almost two decades, Fury, and all I am asking is for you trust me. Please."

Hearing the word "please" caused Fury to relent her questioning. In all the years of mutual service, the woman had never heard Chaos ever say "please." In war, Chaos was invincible, and that strength fuelled the man's pride. He often lived his life giving orders as if every action was part of a larger war. Still, there was a suspicious voice inside Fury's head telling her there was more to this. For the time being, she resigned herself to observing until she had more evidence. Chaos had taken them this far, and betrayal wasn't in the man's nature.

"This one time, because I owe you, Chaos. This had better not come back and bite me in the ass later." Fury walked out of the room trying to conceal her true emotions.

Looking into the woman's eyes, Chaos knew she was lying. Fury was incapable of letting things go, but for now, she would cooperate. Zero and Berserker left the room with their orders. All Chaos could do was wait and prepare. Looking down at the monitor showing Julia sleeping on the bed, he knew. The drugs he had secretly administered would keep her out long enough to complete the project, but what happened from there was anyone's guess.

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