Chapter 26: Rising Stars

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Tension filled the waiting room outside the Commander's office. Robert and Richter had been summoned to the CO's office. Neither man knew why. Yelling could be heard from inside the office. Commanding the training camp was Maj. Ollie Horton, who had a powerful reputation. The recruits considered Maj. Horton a hard-ass. The man believed in strict discipline in his troops and did not tolerate infractions. Infractions were met with the severest punishment the military allowed for that breach in regulations. By the books, was the policy, and no heroes were tolerated.

Both of the men sitting outside the office wondered about what they had done. Robert hadn't broken any regulations, and he doubted his friend had, either. Sitting there, Richter's mind churned with less certainty than his battle buddy. There were a few instances Maj. Horton might have discovered. Richter had grown hungry the first week and managed to steal some food from one of the officer's private stashes. He wondered if he was responsible for Robert's summons.

The yelling from the office stopped, and the door opened slowly. Robert and Richter stared at the private who was exiting the office. Exiting the office, the private stared at that floor in dismay.Robert and Richter could both feel the shock the private was feeling. Robert looked at the private with the worried look on his face. Regaining his composure, the private looked at the two men. The man looked as if he wanted to say something, but then just left when he heard the CO begin to shout again.

"Pvt. Cross and Pvt. Myers, get into my office now!" Maj. Horton yelled from inside the small office.

Both men stood with urgency and filed into the office, saluting their commander, and stood at attention in front of him. Paperwork was piled on the desk, showing the Commander's hatred for paperwork.

Lines were etched on his face, showing the stress of his years. Grim and stoic, Maj. Horton sized up the two privates standing at attention before him.

Richter was fighting hard to contain his fear, but his battle buddy seemed at ease. The only difference between the two men was that Robert had grown up in a similar environment and was used to this type of behaviour. Maj. Horton's grim expression retreated for a moment when he started speaking.

"Well, you two don't look like much. If you're the results of our training, we must be failing at it. You boys look like twigs about ready to break in a light gust. Do you know why you've been summoned here, Pvt. Cross?"

Without hesitation, Robert answered his Commander,"No, sir!"

Horton admired the man's honesty and turned next to Richter, demanding the same answer.

"I have no clue why I'm here either, sir."

Both men stood at attention, waiting for their commander to explain the reason. Seconds ticked by, increasing both of the privates' fears.

Maj. Horton stared at both of his soldiers with a grim look for a moment. "According to my officers, you two are the top one percent of our new recruits. What a piss poor showing for our training regimen. Don't you agree, privates?" Maj. Horton glared, waiting for a response.

Richter didn't know what to do until Robert responded.

"Yes, sir! I promise to do better, sir!"

Robert's words caused Richter to agree, trying to appease the Commander.

"Well, you're both lucky that soon you won't have to live up to my expectations. President Woods and Congress decided to create a new division in the army to deal with the new realities of the war against IRME. I have been ordered to send my best, and it surprises me that your company has the best record. My officers tell me that both of you are team players and great soldiers. Do you think the reports I've read are accurate?"

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