Chapter 9: Office Politics

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Voices resonated from within the boardroom at Muse headquarters in New York City. Arguments between directors could be heard down the hall. Most of the staff froze when they saw Henry Williams exiting the elevator and walking towards the room. The board had been arguing about cybernetic brains for several hours while awaiting the arrival of the CEO. Henry met his director of security at the door. Major Lee wore an expression that spoke to the seriousness of the situation.

"I tried to warn you that Dr. Slate got half the board in an uproar. My guards told me they've been at it for hours." Pulling in a deep breathe to brace for the conflict, Henry paused at the door. Giant wooden doors kept the fury of the board at bay for another moment. Edward knew his friend liked making a grand entrance by sweeping the doors open. Henry waited a moment, took a final, deep breath, and broke through the doors, embracing the situation.

The fact that Nicholas had told the Muse board of directors--even against Henry's--orders, didn't change what Henry now had to deal with. Edward had locked down the Atlantis research facility hours ago, and he'd placed Dr. Slate in isolation, blocking his movements and outside communication. The order had come from Henry in the wake of the conflict. Muse couldn't suffer any setbacks the information might cause if it went public. Above all, Muse interests had to be protected. All the negative publicity from the massacre was threatening to crush the business already. Sales were declining in the wake of the event. Muse had come under assault in the only way that mattered. Profits were crashing across the divisions of the company. All the members of the board were already in panic mode over falling profits, and this leak would make them ravenous.

Every business had its storms to weather, and Henry knew the company could get through this one. One way or another, it was the job of the CEO to see the company through troubled times. Everyone needed to understand what Henry knew, but no one was capable of it. Each director possessed their own idea of what was in the best interests for Muse Industries. Each member was brilliant in their own regard, but few could think past their role in the corporation. It took a true leader to see the whole picture. Muse needed unity now in these troubled times, and Henry wished the board could understand that. Regardless, it was now the CEO's responsibility to find a way to bridge the divide engulfing the board of directors.

Henry marched into the boardroom with Edward on his heels. Everyone stopped arguing in the presence of the CEO. Pulling out the seat at the head of the conference table, Henry sat down. Looking across the table, Henry could see fear and wonder in the eyes of his board. Half of them had already lost their sense to the possibility of the financial gains now available from cybernetic brains, but the other half of the board, including the CFO, Harold Masters, showed the same fear Henry possessed. Edward took his seat at the table and noticed his commander's weary eye weighing the people before him.

"Well, I'm sure we all know why we're gathered here today, and you all have strong opinions on what should be done. Each of you will get your turn to speak, but I expect more civility. We are not children bickering over toys, are we?" Henry looked down the table. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Henry looked to the CFO for his report. Turning on the holoemitter in the center of the table, Harold brought up the sales report, showing the sharp drop after the tragedy at the Plaza. Harold stood up to address the table.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I can't help but feel the same sense of worry that you all do when looking at this information. I know how troubling this trend is, but I do not believe it will last, or that we should make decisions based on the fear it has caused. The truth is, we've been down this road before. I think we need to move forward with prudence, not haste, and Dr. Slate needs more time to prove the validity of his research. We should give him that opportunity." Harold sat back down.

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