Chapter 14: Train to Catch

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Overcast skies provided cover for the sleek stealth shuttle ferrying Cpt. Anderson and his team into Russia. Racing just above the tree line, the shuttle hid from radar by staying close to the ground. Engines on the craft created vast thrust power but remained almost silent. Henry had designed the jet to use the magnetic power of the gravitational engine to propel the vehicle without using chemicals or turbines. Vector thrust engines provided celerity when quick evasive maneuvers or the terrain required it. The only noticeable effect was the air current, which caused the treetops to sway.

"We are approaching the drop zone." The communication came through the Muse team's neural implants. Cpt. Anderson and his people performed a last minute equipment check. The low drop was closer to base jumping than parachuting, and each member of the team prepared themselves. So far, the skies were clear, and the pilot managed to avoid fighter patrols, but kept a wary eye on the radar and horizon, watching the sky for intruders. Radar might not be able to spot the shuttle, but anyone with eyes could still see it, and the pilot knew that.

Standing in the cargo bay, the team stared at the red light, waiting for it to change and signal the jump. All the member of the team was engaged in various rituals to still their anxiety. Kendra flipped a Zippo lighter open and shut and Charlie was chain smoking. Only Cpt. Anderson seemed to have any sense of calm. Every member of the team was borrowing strength from their captain. Wind rushed in through the open ramp, allowing everyone to see how close they were to the ground.

When the light turned green, each person knew what to do without hesitation. Cpt. Anderson ushered his team out of the craft. Parachutes deployed within a second of each person jumping from the craft. Black parachutes disappeared into the darkness of night within seconds of leaving the jet. Following behind the last member of the team, Cpt. Anderson leapt out of the shuttle.

Wind slammed against Max's face and his body was yanked upwards when the parachute deployed. Darkness concealed the Muse shuttle from the team's sight, leaving only the rustling of trees in its wake that faded into the distance. Glancing around, Max could see through his night vision goggles that every member of his team had parachutes that had deployed. Within moments, the night was filled with snapping branches from the team crashing through the forest's canopy. Branches caught Max's parachute and tangled him upside down and left him dangling in the wind.

"Are you just going to hang there?" Max's neural implants fired up, receiving Achilles' transmission. Kendra and Charlie had already assembled the rest of the team on the ground, and the entire team looked up at their commander. Suspended about ten feet off the ground, Max struggled to get free. Charlie managed to contain his laughter but couldn't stop smirking.

"Well, you could help if you feel inclined, Achilles," Max retorted across the com channel.

"I'll get you down, Captain." Kendra climbed the tree to cut her friend down. Whooshing filled the air, followed by the snapping of the lines that tethered the parachute to Max. Gravity took care of the rest. Slamming into the ground knocked the wind out of Max and he struggled to stand up and catch his breath. The old soldier still stood up, not wanting to show any weakness in front of his troops.

"What, no thank you?" Achilles' voice told the team he was only a few feet away, but thermal optical camouflage prevented anyone from seeing him. Blending back into reality, Operative Kincaide approached the team and pulled the Captain back to his feet. Brushing off the dirt, Max composed himself. Everyone gathered around Achilles.

"Okay, I've manage to secure the train into Moscow, but we don't have much time. Just follow me." Achilles led the team out of the forest and up a hill overlooking a train station on the edge of the city of Peterhof. Everyone could see the station was occupied by a huge military presence. Tanks were guarding the railway, and several outposts were noticeable. Ammunition and military vehicles were waiting in the train yard to be loaded.

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