Chapter 33: Lockdown

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Water parted in the wake of the Muse shuttle as it raced across the surface of the ocean. In the distance, Victoria could see the Atlantis facility glittering in the bright sunlight. The original purpose for the construction of the Atlantis facility was to clean up the North Atlantic garbage patch. Now, the Atlantis facility was a large city governed by Muse, as well as its chief research and development facility. Sweeping over the city, Victoria could see all the people walking the promenades of the ocean city through the glass dome.

Muse controllers directed the shuttle to Landing Bay One after verifying its security clearance. Security doors were already opening when the shuttle began to divert to that location. Sweeping over the ocean city, Victoria had always admired the view. Silver buildings glistened in the sunlight. Thousands of people worked down below. It was a whole different world inside the glass dome. Victoria loved the Atlantis facility and had dubbed the city Muse's own private little world. It was at the Atlantis facility that all the research on cyber technology was performed, far away from the prying eyes of the world.

Henry had set up the facility to aid in cleaning up the pollution, monitor the ocean life, and to escape the laws of the so-called civilized world. Placing the research facility in the Atlantic Ocean also provided defense against spies and enemy corporations. Victoria could see the Muse defense armada floating around the city. Several fighter jets were patrolling the perimeter in the distance. Victoria knew her husband kept security tight at the facility. Shifting directions, the shuttle careened around to land. Victoria could feel her stomach sinking from the sudden shift in inertia. Gliding through the open bay doors, the shuttle came to a rest on the deck plating. Muse Security guards marched in single file towards the shuttle with their guns slung over their shoulders. Opening the shuttle door, Victoria stepped out and saw the approaching forces. The platoon commander, Cpt. Nixon, ordered his troops to halt before approaching the shuttle.

"Greetings, Mrs. Williams. I've been sent here to escort you during your stay at the Atlantis facility. If you have any questions, I will do the best I can to answer them, Madame."

Victoria couldn't believe how tight security was. Atlantis seemed to be on complete lockdown, with security patrolling everywhere. Victoria tried to put the man at ease.

"No need to stand on ceremony, Lewis. I was expecting Richard to meet me here. I suppose the good Major must be busy with all the increased security?"

Looking at the soldiers marching in the distance, Cpt. Nixon explained the situation to his guest.

"Several days ago, orders came in from your husband to lock the entire city down. Rumours are circulating that there was some breakthrough in a new experimental technology. We're not supposed to allow anyone entrance or let anyone leave, but Maj. Winters felt that the order didn't include you and granted you entrance. What brings you all the way out to the middle of the Atlantic, Madame?"

Victoria had always liked the young captain because of his professionalism.

"I'm here on Senate business. My husband has assumed command of a new division of troops in the U.S. Army. I'm here to make sure that division receives the required supplies on time."

Cybernetic warfare was still new in the U.S. Military lineage, and the initial success of the program required more implants. Hundreds of soldiers had already undergone the procedure. Initial reports from Dr. Young showed not only the success of the program, but also of the diminishing cybernetic supplies.

Dr. Young had already implanted hundreds of patients' cybernetics, with only a few casualties in the process. The new branch of the army had been dubbed the 167th Cybernetic Assault Division. Already the troops were undergoing the last phases of training. Digital training allowed the troops to experience years of practical training in war without any risks, and in a fraction of the time. Henry's digital training worlds allowed the user to feel the reality of true combat and learn from mistakes without dying. All the new recruits were undergoing extensive memory uploading on tactical, weapons, and vehicle knowledge. Above all, each soldier was experiencing extensive training in neural networks and how to operate and disrupt those systems.

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