Chapter 3: By a Thread

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Switching the video screen off, Henry noticed that Victoria remained silent while staring out the window of the limo. He could only see a veil of winter beyond the pane of glass. Victoria was lost in the white abyss that consumed her thoughts, echoing the anxiety of the situation. Since the news of Julia's abduction, Henry had noticed the change in his wife's behaviour, and it was understandable, but there were few things the man hated more than feeling isolated from his true love. Muse Security forces maintained their silence out of both respect and a simple lack of words to say in response to the situation.

Powerful gusts of wind made the flight back from New York long and turbulent. Major Lee could see both anger and sorrow written across Victoria's face reflected in the glass, and her body language screamed the torment inside. Every minute that passed caused tension to grow in both parents. Everyone expected the kidnappers to make a ransom demand, but there was only silence since Julia was taken.

Muse Security forces across the world had been placed on high alert. Maj. Lee and Captain Anderson had urged their boss to up security after the abduction. Instinct told both warriors the same thing it suggested to Henry--Julia's abduction would be the tip of the spear of a major offensive against Muse. The absence of demands or attacks heightened Henry's anxiety. Whatever the plan behind Julia's abduction, it was clear that the plan was much bigger than using the woman as leverage against Muse.

Victoria's silence and Julia's absence pulled Henry's soul in two directions. Uncertainty clouded the man's thoughts, making it impossible to decide a course of action. Rage swelled up inside Henry, demanding blood for blood. Seeing Victoria suffer in silence pulled every string attached to the man's heart. Love demanded that Henry soothe his wife, but without Julia, that objective seemed impossible. Thinking about the words Victoria was preparing while staring out that window sent a cold shiver up Henry's spine. Only when the couple was alone would the facade come down and the truth roar forth.

Fear was not something Henry had felt often in life. The storm battered the limo, bumping and slamming them at regular intervals. Snow blanketed the outside world from sight. Julia was gone, Victoria's wrath would be unleashed at some point, and it all could have been prevented, if not for pride. Doubt, fear, and anxiety clouded the future.

Maj. Lee could see through his boss and old friends' stoic exterior. Long before reading it in Sun Tzu's book, Edward Lee knew that invincibility lay in one's own mind, and the sanctuary that it brings. Edward could see his friend tearing himself apart, questioning every decision and searching for a choice that could have prevented this tragedy. The loss of Julia was personal and threatened to topple Earth's greatest mind.

Only one question bothered the major--Henry's suspicious request to King George. Edward knew it wasn't time to press the issue in front of Victoria. The situation had to be handled with tact and timing. Cpt. Anderson hadn't discovered any sign of Henry's order behind the abduction. Even thinking about the possibility caused Edward to feel uneasy. Henry had never before made such a grievous error, and that caused doubt in all of their minds. Only Edward considered it, and only because that was his job, and he would protect Henry, from himself if need be. The whole situation felt strange to the Major since Zhou Yun had advised him to allow Julia's abduction.

Victoria was nudged back to reality by the limo touching down at the Williamses' estate. Opening the door, Cpt. Anderson was greeted by the chill of winter slamming into his face. Landing lights blinked twenty feet away, but were almost unnoticeable through the haze of snow. Several soldiers approached the limo while Cpt. Anderson helped Victoria out of the limo. Henry stood next to Maj. Lee to greet the soldiers.

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