Chapter 39: Allah's Will

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The shuttle streaked soundlessly across the night sky. Muse fighters drifted high above the shuttle, using cloud cover to hide. Shining bright, the moon cast a haunting glow across the desert landscape. Looking out from the cockpit of the shuttle, Henry could see fighting in the distance. Explosions echoed with the fury of thunder. Bright beacons of light radiated outward in rapid succession. Satellite imaging showed that Allah's Warriors had been pinned down outside of a mosque in a small village.

Surrounded by IRME forces, the revolutionary group was taking a pounding. Henry knew something needed to be done. IRME forces were moving to surround the beleaguered combatants. In a few minutes, there would be nothing left of the mosque, village, and Allah's Warriors. Accessing the Muse neural network, Henry ordered his fighters to engage the enemy. Using satellite imaging, targets were painted and updated to the strike groups hiding amongst the clouds. Jet engines roared while the fighters broke from the cloud cover above.

Air forces darted toward enemy forces with all-weapons systems ready. Missile shots from the fighters' wings raced towards their targets. Lights streaked across the sky. A storm of fire rained down from the heavens. IRME forces didn't have time to react to the incoming assault. Explosions rippled through IRME ranks. Screams of pain and horror rose into the night sky. Another salvo of missile fire slammed into the enemy's flank. IRME forces were caught on the horns of the dilemma. Muse forces had a clear line of sight to their targets, and any attempt by IRME forces to take cover would only expose them to Allah's Warriors.

Anti-air flak cannons opened fire on the fighters above. The roar of flak cannons came in succession. The Muse fighters' advanced defense programs detected the flak fire and guided the pilots to safety. Darting between flak cannon fire, the Muse fighters continued to fire their payloads. Fires burned across the desert sands. Glassed sand from the explosions reflected the moon in the sky. Allah's Warriors seized the opportunity.

Revolutionaries rushed the enemy lines, taking the initiative. Muse fighters adjusted fire to provide support for the advancing troops in close-fire bombing. IRME machinegun positions poured fire onto the rushing troops trying to stem the tide. Muse fighters saw the tracers of bullets targeting the gun positions. Salvos of unguided rockets detonated in rapid succession across the sands. Bodies were flung into the air, or charred into the ground.

IRME forces couldn't take much more. Henry could see the cracks in the IRME troop formation growing wider with each explosion. Islamic soldiers began to break from cover in an attempt to retreat. Soldiers trying to fall back were cut down by Allah's Warriors, who were now taking the enemy's fortified position. Muse fighters swept across the battlefield and then turned back to make another run at the enemy. Henry ordered his pilot to continue towards the mosque. Flying over the battlefield, both men could see the damage that had been done. Smoke billowed up from the battlefield and into the night sky.

Henry scanned the devastation that his forces had wrought in a few moments. Shells of tanks were burning in heaps of wreckage. IRME forces were trying to escape the pursuing revolutionaries. Bodies were scattered across the ground. Revolutionaries had taken the enemy's command post and were now in the process of tearing down the IRME flag. Soldiers celebrated with short burst of gunfire into the night sky. Screams of victory echoed across the charred and glassed battlefield.

"Muse aircraft, you will land now. Any failure will be punished."

The thick Middle Eastern accent told Henry it was one of the revolutionaries. Looking back, the pilot waited to hear his orders. Motioning to the pilot to land, Henry accessed the radio with his neural implant.

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