Chapter 6: Once a Jerk Always a Jerk

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Aeri's Pov

"You remember me?" Jungkook asked.

I nodded my head, "Yes, I remember you." I inspected him, seeing how much he had changed from the last time I saw him. That's why I didn't recognize him in the first place. I sighed deeply and said, "WOW. It's been five years, hasn't it?"

Jungkook nodded. "Have you been doing well for the past five years?"

"Mm, I've been doing okay. I wouldn't say that I was happy all the time."

"Why do you say that?"

I sighed before saying anything, "I lost my mom."

Jungkook lowered his head. "Oh, I'm sorry about that."

"Nah, I'm good. It's just. . . it was hard at first, but I'm fine now," I said hiding my voice from any sad emotions that I had. I went off topic, "So. . . who do you live with?"

"My eomma."

"Really?" I said wishing that I had my mom too. "What does your mom do?"

He answered, "Well. . . she works at our family bakery shop selling bread. Hey, you should come over sometimes."

"I would love to," I said happily.

"You should try our most popular bread, the cream cheese banana bread. I bet you'll like it," he said smiling. "If you come again next time, I'll take you there when there are fewer people at our shop."

"It must be pretty busy right now then, huh?"

"Yeah. My eomma works very hard to keep the shop running. In fact, she does the work all alone. I wish I can help her but. . . I can't," the tone of his voice dropped at that.

I looked at him, having an understanding of what he meant. I said random things to him that probably weren't even good, "Well. . . at least, she's doing it for you. I know all mom's hearts. They do everything for their child." I said so, hopefully, he would feel better.

Jungkook had on a tight smile, making me smile. I went off topic again, "Anyway, how did you know that I was Aeri? Do you have a strong sense of people or something?" I was curious. It's not like he could see me, so. . . how did he know it was me?

He gave out a chuckle. I stayed still quietly waiting for his answer. He said, "You know? You're the aid kit girl. I kinda felt a sense of. . . deja vu."

I looked away thinking for a minute then remembered. My jaw hung open and I nodded. "Right. Five years ago, you had a scrape on your knee because of those bullies. So, I ended up treating it with my aid kit and now. . . wait- did they do something to you again this time that's why your knee bled?"

Jungkook laughed and shook his head. "No, don't worry. They did nothing to me ever since you saved me that day. Because of you, they probably got scared and didn't care to bother me anymore. Thanks."

I smiled to myself. "Wow. I'm proud of myself then. I made a difference that day, didn't I?" I said dramatically like I was a superhero.

We laughed together.

Jungkook broke his laugh and asked, "What did you do to them? I didn't see, so. . . what did you do to scare them away?"

I had a big smile on and held up my clenched fist. "I clenched my fist and punched one of the kids. Was it the fat one or the tall one? I don't remember but it was fun because they deserved it." I started feeling a joy of happiness. "I don't think I should be happy that I punched that kid, but they underestimated me so. . ." I shrugged trying to feel cool.

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