Chapter 23: The Cold Truth

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Taehyung's POV

I arrived at my father's office and closed the door behind me when I entered in. My father was seated on his couch, looking straight ahead of him.

I bowed to him. "I'm here, Appa."

"Good," he said. "You may take a seat so we can talk."

I nodded, and walked over to the couch across from him and sat down. After a while of silence, I asked him, "What did you call me over for?"

He was staring at me, his eyes showed that he had a lot to say. "Please, be nicer to Aeri. She's pregnant. . ."

My eyes slightly widened. "You know about that?"

"To be honest, I evesdropped on your guy's conversation a while ago. Of course, I heard everything," he said, not feeling any shame for doing so. "That's why I'm asking you to be nice to her. She'll be your future wife, my future daughter-in-law." He paused for a moment, then said, "I want to ask you. . . do you love her?"

I stayed frozen while locking eyes with my father. I slowly clenched my fists when heavy thoughts ran through my mind nonstop. I wanted to answer, 'no, I don't love her.' But that would only be a lie. I would only be lying to myself if I said that. In truth, Aeri's a special person, a big part of my life.

Therefore, I lowered my head. I couldn't look at my father. I answered him in a quiet tone, "Yes, I do love her."

The room was gushed with complete silence, making me think to myself even more.

"I thought so," he said, his voice was deep and encouraging.

Once again, a dead silence conquered the room, bringing forth the many thoughts in my mind to stay with me like a scar, causing me to feel under distress.

"So. . . she's pregnant with another man. Who is this man?" he inquired.

I instantly looked up at him. At this point, I felt ashamed. With my father carrying this knowledge of my future wife being pregnant with another man, made me embarrassed. But I just bared with it. Because no matter what, she'll end up being mine anyway.

I was reluctant to tell him but I did anyway, saying his name with hatred, "Jungkook. His name is Jungkook."

"Tell me everything you know about him," he inquired all of a sudden.

I was lost for a moment as to why he asked. I simply told him the basic things about him, "He's a blind person and-"

"He's blind?" he interrupted.

I simply nodded. "Ne, he's blind. He doesn't go to school. He comes from a poor family background. His mother owns a bakery shop and uh. . . I have pictures of him, do you want to look at them?" I asked, looking at him in the eyes.

"You have pictures of him?" he looked confused.

"Ne, I hired this person to secretly spy on Aeri and take pictures of whatever she was doing. I have a lot of pictures of her with that Jungkook kid," I said in an angered tone.

"Son, that's creepy," he said, looking at me like how he always did when I was a kid causing trouble.

"Appa, I had to," I complained in a stiff tone. "She's literally been there with him every single day ever since she met him."

"But, that isn't the right thing to do-"

"WHAT'S so wrong about that!!?" I bellowed loudly, spreading the cold and dead silence in the air of the room again.

* * * * *

Aeri's POV

I wiped the tears on my face, and started thinking of what I should do at the moment. What I desired most at the moment was to go see Jungkook. Instantly, I got out of the bed, making my way towards the door. I twisted the doorknob and found that it was locked. I kept twisting it but it was of no use. It was locked from the outside.

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