Chapter 8: You Stupid Idiot!!

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Somin's POV

"You slapped him?" I was shocked as she told me about what happened between her and Taehyung today.

"Ne," she answered with a low tone in her voice while doing her homework. She didn't even look up at me as she said that.

Aeri was over at my house and the only thing we could do was do homework together. It's not like we could go and party anywhere on a school night. We were already in our PJs while doing homework and at the same time, we watched Netflix on the TV. And the best part, was when she told me about her slapping Taehyung on the face! Yeah! That's my best friend yall!

"That. . . is . . . LIT!" I shouted with delight and clapped my hands with joy. "I'm SO proud of you!"

"What?" She sounded flustered and didn't seem so happy about my happiness.

Ignoring my homework, I got up from laying my stomach on the ground to give her a big hug, showing her how proud I was of her courageous act. "That idiot deserves it. Especially when it was from you."

"Exactly," she broke in not sounding so happy, "I don't feel so great about it."

I looked at her, my eyes squinting in confusion. "Stop being such an angel towards him."

"What do you mean?" she said denying her own feelings. "I don't care about him."

"Uh-yeah you do. You just said that you don't feel so great about slapping him."

"Well, yeah. You know. . . I slapped him hard. It must've hurt."

I shook my head and said, "Forget his feelings, what matters most is his misery. If I were you, I'd punch him to his death and could care less about him."

"Stop wishing for his death. . ."

"Oh! I wish HARD for his death. AND. . . not just that, I also wish for Yoonji's death. Whoever it is that put that snake in her locker should've bought a poisonous one."

Aeri drew in a deep sigh while looking at me. "Yep, that's Somin alright. . ."

"A slap isn't enough. He deserves a punch next. From me," I said, laughing evilly to myself.

"I think he's gotten enough from us. Let's just leave him alone and let him do whatever he wants with his life. Let's talk about something else, enough talk about that jerk," she said with a pinch of annoyance in the tone of her voice.

Because she asked me to, I didn't talk about Taehyung nor Yoonji. Instead, I kept quiet, back to my homework. As minutes went by, the room was quiet while we focused hard on our work.

Surprisingly, the silence wasn't broken by me but by Aeri as she finally said something unrelated to Taehyung and Yoonji.

"I met this person when I was gone today. . ." she said, the tone of her voice sounded bright and lively again. "So, I'm actually kind of glad that I ditched school today."

I raised an eyebrow. "Tell me all about it."

"Well. . . I met a guy today NOT Taehyung, but another guy."

When I heard the word 'guy,' I instantly dropped my pencil and turned my attention to her. "I'm listening."

"I have to say. . ." she slowly said, "that he was cute." I saw a bright smile on her face as she said that.

"Ooooh, you should totally go out with him if he makes you that smiley," I said teasing her.

"Me? I'm not smiling, am I?" She felt her face with her hands.

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