Chapter 25: Blood

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Warning: Depictions of physical violence ahead. . .

And, if you'd like, play the song that I provided above by K.Will while you read.

Aeri's POV

Jungkook and I decided to go out for a late night walk with just the two of us. To release the stress on my back, taking a walk outside with the one I love was the way to do it. And I figured that I should at least tell him the things that I needed to tell him. Like, my arranged marriage with Taehyung, my technically being kidnapped by Taehyung, and. . . my pregnancy.

But. . . I didn't want to tell him any of that at all. It would only make him upset, and I didn't want that. I just wished that I can live a normal life with Jungkook, where nothing can get in our way. No brain tumor. No arranged marriage. Just me, Jungkook, and our baby. That's how I pictured my perfect life. However, the world in which could be perfect for me and Jungkook. . . would only be a dream.

I wanted to cry so bad. . . I wanted to yell out my anger towards my life so bad. . . And. . . I wanted to ask the world why it was doing this to me.

Why a brain tumor? Why with the arranged marriage? Why can't I live the way I want to with Jungkook? And why. . . why must it want to take away another life?

The world can take away me, but to take away an innocent little soul that did nothing wrong, is too cruel. In other words, why did I have to be pregnant when I'm going to die soon. . .

Back to Taehyung, no matter what, I will never agree in marrying him, and I will never let him take me away from Jungkook. And most certainly. . . I will never allow him to call my own baby his. Because it isn't his. . .

Back to me and Jungkook, we were walking down the sidewalk in the late night. We held each other's hands intertwined, his hand was keeping me warm from the cold night.

"Jungkook-ah," I said, breaking the silence that was between us.

"Ne?" he answered, raising his eyebrows.

"I love you," I whispered, turning my head to look at him in the eyes.

He pulled a bright smile on his face, and said, "I know you do."

I couldn't help but smile as well. "Aigooo," I said, pulling his cheek.

Then, he came to a sudden halt, making me stop too. I stared at him in confusion as to why he stopped suddenly. He held onto my hands tighter, and said, "What's wrong?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Pardon?"

"I know something's wrong, Aeri. Tell me. . ." he said, turning his whole body to me.

I denied his statement, "What are you talking about? Nothing's wrong-"

"Don't lie to me," he said. "You hugged me earlier at the shop, and, it sounded like you were crying."

I lowered my head, looking down at my shoes.

Seconds later, he leaned in close to me, bringing his head close to mine. I raised my head and looked into his eyes. At once, I felt my cheeks burn and my heart pounding under my chest. He was very close to me. He then carried his hands up, feeling for my face. Once he placed his palms on my cheeks, he whispered, "Come on, tell me. . . I'm always here to listen to you."

I looked into his eyes for a while, my eyes were getting watery.

I wish I can tell you. . . I really do, but I can't.

I very much knew well that I couldn't run away from reality. In reality, my father would send his people to come search for me, and when they find me, they'll drag me back home. And when that happens, Jungkook would be left behind, abandoned by me.

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