Chapter 16: Down to Hell

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Taehyung's POV

"I will be assigning partners for this activity, so stay quiet please, so you know who your partner is," Mrs. Song announced, looking at her clipboard. She's our science teacher, one of the decent ones.

This activity that we're going to do outside with a partner will be okay. I mean like, looking up at the clouds and observing them is a fine activity for me. However, everybody else hates it.

The class stayed quiet, listening to who their partner was.

Mrs. Song started announcing our partners, "Sungjae, and Joy!"

Those two broke up a couple months ago.

"Yoongi, and Jisoo!"

Those two like each other.

"Jimin, and Jennie!"

Man, they HATE each other.

"Hoseok, and Seulgi!"

Jimin will be jealous, and probably cry after.

"Namjoon, and Yoonji!"

Sorry dude, she's a pain.

"Jin, and Somin!"

Hm, let's see how this one turns out.

She continued down the list and finally announced mine.

"Taehyung, and Aeri!"

Wow, could this day get any better!

* * * * *

Aeri's POV

Could this day get any worse!

I cringed at most of the assigned partners that had been called out. Almost all of the partners that had been called out have had some kind of bad history together. I felt bad for them, and I felt bad for myself. I'm going to be drowning down in hell today.

Mrs. Song must hate us or something.

After calling me and Taehyung as the last partners, I didn't care to look at him. I just stayed still, waiting for further instructions.

"Ok, now you guys may get up, find your partners, and go outside!" Mrs. Song ended her instructions.

I grabbed my notebook and pencil, got up from my seat, and simply left the room without waiting or even looking at Taehyung.

* * * * * *

I found a good shade outside next by a large tree and sat on the grass, waiting for that jerk to come. I didn't think he'd come, which is good. I could totally do this by myself.

However, he did come. I found him walking towards me, looking all mad whatsoever. I ignored the fact that he was walking towards me and continued observing the clouds above.

"Yah! Why didn't you wait for me!?" he yelled.

I rubbed my ears as his voice burst my hearing, and hollered loudly as well, "DO YOU THINK I CARE!!?"

In return, he rubbed his ears too and looked at me. "Could you speak a little quieter than that!?"

I pulled a smirk on my face and looked away from him, back to the clouds. Then, seconds later, he suddenly came and sat right next to me. I stared at him, and found him looking at me. He then pulled a smile on his face, and looked away after, fixing his gaze on the clouds.

I lowered my eyebrows while looking at him. That's one thing about him. He's a very confusing 'thing' to understand. He was acting all nice now. What's his intention this time?

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