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You want to be a good person even thought some people see you in a very bad point of view and sometimes you can't help it. It is what it is in other people's point of view, so be careful what you wish for, be careful what you say because.

One day you'll just be a memory to some people. Do your best to be a good one.


"Are you sure?" Lana looked at the dark green eyes she used to be so fascinated with but ever since she saw Steven she couldn't help but be more fascinated with Steven's light baby blue eyes.

"Yes I'm sure," He exclaim "I saw her walking." Lana was confused, in broad daylight? That is highly impossible.

"What? That is impossible! Have you been seeing right Jason?" Lana said to the 23 year old boy who helped her a lot, she forward her eyebrows in confusion and gave Jason a stupid look.

"Yes, I have been seeing right!" Jason yelled out in frustration at his tiny friend who was just being at this very point really annoying.

"A demon, A demon walking on broad daylight!" Lana exclaim "That it is highly impossible, I mean they should die right? They should be burning up and and turn into ashes." Jason shifted nervously on one foot to the other, He came to Wisconsin to warn his friend of two years. He came to help her. Lana looked at him and noticed that he was nervous, she can hear his once steady heart beat picking up its pace. "Why did you come here?" making her tilt her head to the side.

"I came here to help and warn you," Jason said "Issac is here to he just went to go get some food but I came here to warn you." Lana gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean by 'warn you'?" Lana asked

"She, She came here for him," Jason explained "You, you don't know this but you're the original  hybrid that has a human mate. A human mate!" Lana stared at him in disbelief

"What? A human? as a mate?" Lana said to hum "You're crazy." Jason rolled his eyes at Lana, she was always the stubborn one when it came to the group or pack as they like to label it.

"Yes! you're the original hybrid that has a human mate, you know what that means?" Jason asked Lana who shook her head "You have more power, you have more power than anyone in the world." Lana looked down at her feet, she didn't know what to say.

"Who is it?" Lana asked, Jason looked at Lana. He knew who was her mate but he didn't want to say it, Lana was waiting impatiently though.

"I can't tell you," Jason spoke "It will put you more at risk and him on risk," Lana looked at him and  there was this, this spark that Lana can tell it was another thing that Jason was here.

"That isn't the only thing you came for is it?" Lana asked him making Jason look at her with a sad expression.

"They found a body in California," Jason answered making Lana stare at him even more, she had a feeling that this conversation wasn't going to end well. "It was Marty."

"W-what?" Her voice came out quiet, Marty was one of her really close friends back in California who she promised to write to her every day. She has sent her only three letter.

"The day after you left she was missing but later that night, Marty was found dead hanging in one of the trees" Jason explained "She was found behind the boarding school you guys both went to." Lana sat down on the couch that was in the living room.

"It's happening again," She looked at him again "Isn't it?" Jason nodded before he spoke again.

"They also left a message." Jason said and took out a piece of paper that was in her pocket.

"What does the message say?" Lana walked towards Jason, she peaked over the paper.

She who kills is the one that starts the war

"Do you know what that means?" Jason asked making Lana snap her head to him giving him her full attention.

"I-I don't know." She stuttered

Jason looked at her with a raised eyebrow and an intimidating look, Lana let out a groan of frustration.

"I killed a werewolf who was an alpha," Jason let out a groan "it was self defense! I didn't know who he was." Lana defended herself and Jason gave her an annoyed look.

"When was this?" Lana winced when she heard his tone of voice

"About a month ago," Jason closed his eyes in frustration and slammed his fist towards the nearest wall "He came after me and-" Lana continued talking but stopped herself because she knew it was no use, once Jason was angry. He's angry.

"You were defending yourself," Jason spoke "What was he trying to do?" He opened his eyes, Lana took a step back once she saw Jason's eyes glow bright blue.

"It doesn't matter," Lana spoke to him she looked down at her watch and saw that it was six in the afternoon "I have to go, I need to go be with my family." She grabbed her back and started her way to the door.

"I'll see you later?" Jason asked her, Lana turned around and nodded before heading home.


"You ok?" Lana snapped her attention rom the wall to Hyde who was standing in her doorway of her bedroom, he had his usual dark shades on with The Rolling Stones T-shirt on, a light wash pants and his usual boots. Hyde observed her on his way to Eric's room and he saw that she has been crying.

"Uh y-yeah." Lana said while wiping away some tears that have escaped from her eyes before sending Hyde a reassuring smile who looked right through her lie, Hyde let out a sigh before walking in shutting the door and sat on the edge of Lana's bed.

"What happened?" Lana looked at him and Hyde could see the sadness in her eyes, Hyde grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"A uh a friend of mine was found dead in California," She whispered as she stared into space "She hung herself." Lana felt the warmth of Hyde's hand radiating through her body making her hum, Hyde stared at her with some much adoration not even knowing himself that he was starting to like her.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Hyde said  "Want to go get wasted?" Lana looked at him with a really annoyed look making him shift uncomfortable

"Did you really just say that?" Lana asked him in shock.

"I am not really good with words," Hyde said "I usually bottle up my feelings, I am sort of like your dad. I just don't like feelings, it's just I was r-"  Lana giggled at his rambling, she had noticed that when he's nervous he eithers spits out the truth or he rambles. A lot. Hyde smiled a little liking the sound of her giggle, it was like the sound of joy.

"It's fine," She answered "but to answer your question, no I would not like to get wasted."

"Why not?" He asked

"I don't drink." She smiled at him

"You don't drink?! Who are you?" Hyde said dramatically

"You are so dramatic." She giggled

"And you have a cute giggle." Hyde said hoping he'll keep this memory.

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