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We have chances to become who or what we wanted to be. It's scary isn't it? You have this massive opportunity to be who you want to be but you never know if you blew it away or not. Even if you try, you probably will never be there. 


"Are you serious?" Lana exclaim as she stormed out of the car, Lana and Eric just got back from seeing Jason who looked like a mess when she saw him. They quickly left after Eric followed Lana when she specifically told him to stay in the car but of course he did not listen. "I told you to stay in the car." They were in the basement to see Kelso, Hyde, Fez, Jackie and Donna were waiting for them to get back home, they were surprised to see that both siblings were arguing at each other.

"Stay in the car? Well I'm sorry it's not my fault that I wanted to know why my little sister was going to meet a guy in his own apartment!"Eric exclaim as he glared at his younger sibling, Everyone were looking back and forth on both siblings. Kelso was confused, Jackie was very amused and so was Donna, Fez was to busy looking at the tv and Hyde instantly tensed up when he heard those words come out of Eric's lips. 

"Oh for gods sake it was not I was going to have sex with him," Lana glared at Eric "He had something important to tell me." 

"And what could be so important that he can't tell you somewhere oh I don't know more public!" Eric sassed back making Lana roll her eyes.

"It's complicated"

"Complicated? That is what you have been saying these past few days." Hyde secretly clenched his fist and he started breathing hard, Jackie noticed and smirked before scooting over to the right side of the couch. 

"Jealous." She whispered to Hyde who gave her a glare.

"I am not"

"Than why are you breathing hard and cleaning your fist." Hyde knew she was right for the second time, he admires the way Lana scrunches her nose when she laughs or giggles. He also likes it when she rocks on her heels when she's nervous or she's hiding something. It reminded him that she had that habit ever since she was three and he was four.

"Man keep it down," Hyde said to Lana and Eric ''you don't want to Red and your mom to hear both of you guys yelling at each other." He was pissed, he was pissed that Lana went to see a guy at his house and wanting to be alone with him.

"Well he shouldn't be getting into my business." Lana huffed while crossing her arms across her chest and plopped down on the couch where Jackie was but she soon scooted over next to Kelso.

"Lana man," Hyde said "He's just worried about you, I mean he hasn't seen you in two years."  Everyone was surprised that Hyde has given them some real actual advice for once in his life and they all agreed.

"Just please tell us what's going on," Eric begged his younger sibling "you have been acting really strange lately and it's really starting to worry me." Lana looked around at everyone, she trusts them with all of her life. She knew they can keep a secret, Kelso maybe stupid but he can keep a secret.. If you beat him to it. She didn't want to tell about the whole mating thing but it will come out sooner or later.

"It started off 5 months after I landed in California," Lana started off as she looked at the wall "I started feeling different, I would wake up in the middle of the night and not be tired, I started being hungry and not for food but for something else. I would wake up some times all hot and sweaty, I would get angry at all the littlest things. I would snap at my friends for saying something that was stupid."

"So you had a fever," Eric said "So what?" Lana turned her attention from the wall to her older sibling.

"It wasn't a fever, it was something bigger, something that never would have happened to me," Lana said "There was this one time where I went to a party with two of my friends, everyone was drunk and I wasn't in the partying mood. I didn't drink but I tried to have some fun that was when I started to feel hungry again, I didn't know what to do. I left the party without telling any of my friends that I was leaving, I went outside and started walking making my way to school when I felt someone was following me. As in any movie and novel I started picking up my pace and started walking faster almost running but someone was way to fast and they grabbed me and took me to an ally. I was scared, they- they tried touching me. Touching me like and all I heard was laughter, they thought it was funny. They loved to hear my cries and they kept saying 'no one can hear you or help you', that's when I felt all this anger that kept growing inside me, the anger that I have held and I knew I was going to explode," Lana looked at them and they seem so interesting in her story "I blacked out. I didn't know what happened but when I came back I was covered in blood, head to toe and I saw this man it was Jason. He gave me a smile and said that he'll help me, and he helped me." 

"You killed someone," Hyde said and all Lana could do was nod

"I didn't mean to," Lana said "but it just happened, as soon as I started training. I became someone that everyone wanted, everyone wanted to kill me. I have killed so many people that aren't who I thought they were." 

"You're a killer?" Donna asked, Everyone didn't believe it. They wanted to laugh but at the same time they were to scared to do so, Lana looked at them all. She can feel her eyes turning into a different color, they were turning black. Veins were popping under her eyes, Kelso let out a screech, Eric and Donna both lunged backwards almost falling out of the couch, Jackie froze and Hyde. Hyde had an unbearable expression, he was shaking and his eyes were widen. 

"I'm a hybrid." 


N/ Thank you for making my book #162 for Steven on wattpad! I appreciate it, love you guys.. :)

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