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We all go through some deep crap, we all see things that we shouldn't even see and we all just straight up say things that we know we shouldn't say but that is how life is. But we sometimes do it without even thinking about it which makes us either look like assholes or dumbasses and we all have to admit it that it has happened to us at least once or twice. As we look through our memories we feel like crap, we think that if we can only turn back time we can maybe change it.

But life is tough but so are we.


Lana let out a soft sigh as she looked through the weapons that Issac, Jason, Abby and Robert had sneakily brought from the Wisconsin. She has been feel down lately, didn't want to talk to anyone. She has talked to Eric and he told her that Hyde has been more of a dill hole ever since she left Point Place, all Lana did was roll her eyes and say that sucked for all of the gang. Even though she acted like she did not care, Lana did feel like crap for slapping Hyde that night but she knew it was for the better. She had to do this all for their safety, that is all that mattered to Lana.  For those who she loves, be safe.

"What with the long face?" Abby asked the young girl, Lana blinked before looking up at the blonde girl who gave her a sweet smile "Is is about Hyde?"

"Eric says that Hyde has been more of a dill hole ever since I left," Lana said " I highly doubt that is true."

"Lana don't think so negative," Abby gently said "It's probably true, I mean the way he reacted to you when you told him that you both won't work clearly shows that he was starting to care for you as well. "

"I just don't want him to care," Lana explained "What if I don't make it? What if I die during this? I can't leave him to feel this pain. It will be too much for him." Abby couldn't help but sigh.

"Honey," She started off "You do realize you're immortal right? You can not be killed. Maybe injured but can not be killed." As those words came out Abby gave Lana a small smile before heading off to the kitchen to get a snack.

"She's right you know." Robert said "Kiddo you'll do fine, you're a strong girl." Robert gave Lana a pat in the back before following into Abby's footsteps and heading to the kitchen. Lana shook her head before starting to play with the small switch blades, maybe it could keep her mind off of Hyde.

"I talked to Lana last night," Eric said as he climbed onto the couch and sat on the edge of it, the whole gang aside from Jackie and Kelso were hanging out in the basement watching tv nothing usual. "She sounded pretty sad." Hyde looked over at Eric before letting out a soft huff before crossing his arms like a small child who didn't get a toy he wanted at the store and stared at the Television, giving it a hard glare.

"Hyde you really need to stop acting like a child," Donna said to her curly friend "It's sad."

"Yeah and depressing." Fez agreed with the red head, Hyde gave Fez a glare before getting up causing the little foreign guy to run out of the basement.

"Okay kid," Kitty ran down the stairs with a plate of homemade chocolate cupcakes, ever since Lana left all she did was bake. Non-stop. "I made some homemade cupcakes for all of you sweet kids."

"Here Hyde get yourself a cupcake maybe that will fill up your heart with some sweetness." Eric teased his best friend handing him a cupcake as soon as his mother set down the plate on the table, all Hyde did was glare at his best friend.

"Get bent!" He snapped before storming off into his room, Kitty flinched at the sudden outburst. She looked at her son in confusion.

"What's the matter? Oh Eric did you accuse him of stealing something?" Kitty said

Good Old days s. hydeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon