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We say forever when it comes to relationships and friendships even though deep inside we know it will fail. Do we say it to feel better or because we are delusional? Isn't it sad? that some of us think forever will last long but in the end, that forever will be broken and we don't know what to do after the damage is done. But the saddest part of it is that we gotten so used to that person, so when they actually leave you feel like you have lost yourself. So the question of the day is,

How long is forever?


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Lana was mentally panicking as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair were in tight curls and her make up was all natural but that was not the problem as a matter of fact she thought she looked good; the problem was that she was afraid of what her father thought about her and Steven. Her hands shakily smoothed her golden yellow dress with sunflower patterns on what seemed to be for the 16th time. Donna stood there behind Lana and tried reassure her that everything will turn out completely fine but Lana being as stubborn as her father, she kept overthinking the situation. Which caused Donna to stop knowing that it won't really stop Lana from overthinking.

"How do I look?"Lana turned around and looked at her best friend, the only one that's missing is Jackie which Lana and Donna assumed is with Kelso messing around.

"You look amazing," Donna answered truthfully "Hyde is going to freak out. I bet he won't be able to take his hands off of you." The comment caused Lana to blush, she of course dressed up like this to impress Steven even more than he already is.

"Thanks," Lana muttered "now let's go downstairs. I bet mom is freaking out."

Both of the girls ran downstairs to see Red in his chair with a frown on his face. Donna and Lana looked at each other knowing the reason why Red had a frown.

"You alright daddy?" Lana joked, Red put his attention to his young daughter and gave her a huff of annoyance before answering her question.

"Your mother is making another dinner party," He complained "She knows I don't associate with dumbasses."

"You do with Eric." Donna said

"That's because I have to," Red answered "He's my son." Lana giggled at her dad's answer before bending down and giving him a slight kiss on the cheek before heading into the kitchen with Donna right behind her. Once they went into the kitchen they saw Kitty dancing and humming as she as making desserts for tonight's dinner party.

"Smell's good in here Mrs. Foreman," Donna commented as she stared at the brownies in the oven "You really went all out for tonight." Kitty paid her attention to the both girls that just stepped into the kitchen.

"My don't you both look beautiful," Kitty said with a wide grin "dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes. The boys are down in the basement if you girls wanted to go and see them."

"Do you need any help?" Lana asked her mother who shook her head no, Lana shrugged before going down the basement following Donna, they quickly heard Kelso teasing Eric about Hyde and Lana being together which earned a punch in the eye by Hyde.

A/N: This is just a filer! I am having major writers block so can you guys please dm me give me ideas! I need help! I can't even think straight because Harry released a new song and I can't with my life!

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