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And till this moment we try to figure out what love it. We try and find the love that we have been craving for more than we should know. We want to love,we want to love, we want to care, and we want to give in to this thing we all call love. Is it wrong to want it? Is it a sin to want to be loved? When you kiss someone, kiss them with so much passion, kiss them like your life depends on it, and but most importantly. Most importantly..

Kiss her.. you should kiss her soul as well.


"Vivian?" Vivian looked behind her and saw that it was Lana's older brother Eric, she gave him a smile. Not a sweet smile more of a wicked smile. A smile Eric made him feel uncomfortable, he knew that this girl wasn't his little sister. 

"Eric, ism't it?" She said " I've heard  lot about you from Lana." 

"What did she say?" Eric asked 

"Oh how she missed you, even though you're a scrawny kid you had a good heart," She answered "Kind words might I say. It's a shame you won't see her for a while." 

Eric immediately felt his heart drop when he heard those words come out of her mouth, exactly two years ago his little sister left the house and this year a month ago she came back. Back into his life and he was so happy about it. But now, now everything has changes drastically. His little sister was someone or something that he did not know, he did not recognize his little sister anymore.

"What? What do you mean I won't see her for a long time?" Vivian let out a loud laugh once she heard those words came out of Eric's lips, she thought it was hilarious. Vivian knew that Lana was inside somewhere but she had put her to sleep, Lana has been frustrated and it won't be long till she has woken up. 

"By the look on your face and the thoughts racing through your head," Vivian said "You know exactly what I am talking about." 

"You can't do that," Eric said "She needs to be here, with us!" Vivian huffed and rolled her eyes at Eric's outburst.

"Oh my dearest Eric," Vivian said "I know, I know she's your little sister who you have't seen in what two years. And you were looking forward to spend time with her blah,blah, blah,blah, blah." 

"Why are you like this?" 

"Oh honey," She gave him another wicked smile of hers "Because it's fun. Being evil is fun." 


"You know,I always wondered what Lana saw in you," Vivian spoke as she walked down the stairs and saw Hyde sitting down in his usual chair "I mean I get that you're handsome but man your personality can be, very strong." 

Hyde looked at Vivian with so much surprise, he wasn't scare but he knows he should be. 

"Well I tend to have that effect on the ladies," Hyde said with a smirk "When are we going to see her again?"

Even though Hyde is trying to hide the fact that he cares he did want to know what will happen to the girl he secretly had a crush on. All the things he had said to her, he wanted to take it back. He only said those things because he was jealous not even knowing the consequences. Not even know that Lana would be gone. Physically she is but not the actual her.

"I thought you didn't care about her" Vivian taunted Hyde who shifted in his seat "I mean you called her a whore, right? Trust me Hyde, she is way better off without you. She is out of your league." Hyde frowned feeling a pang of pain inside of him. It hurt him hearing those words coming out of Vivian's lips.

"So never?" Hyde said even though he wanted to sound like he didn't care, it came out more like a question.

"It will probably be a while," Vivian said truthfully " I mean she turned off her humanity and who knows how long that will be till she turns it back on meaning that I will be gone and she will be back to her old self."

"Humanity?" Hyde said to her 

"Oh you don't know what that is? I figures since Issac and Jason technically told you everything, they must of told you that." Vivian said to Hyde

'What is that?" Hyde asked

"A hybrid obviously has there vampire and werewolf side but a humanity is part of the vampire side," Vivian explained to Hyde "they will have feelings, human feelings but when they turned it off they don't feel guilt, love, or sadness. They feel nothing." 

"What causes them to turn it off?" Hyde asked

"Rejection but is Lana's case, it's anger."  Hyde felt guilty, he shouldn't of said those things but he just could not help himself.

"How can you turn it on," Hyde desperately wanted Lana back, Why? Because for started Vivian was annoying but he missed her smile. He missed how her nose would scrunch up when she laugh but most of all. He missed how she would brighten up the whole room when she walked in. She missed Lana and him being a jackass caused her to not be herself which in a way made him want to punch himself. 

They may never see Lana ever again. 

I hate myself. Why? because I am having a huge huge HUGE writers block and I am super late for my updates! Ugh! If you guys have any idea for the next chapter please message me! Help me out! Thank you!

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