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Spaces between everyone sometimes get deeper than it usually gets. Those spaces tend to be more toxic than good, don't ya think? You think that you start getting crazy, you start to be negative and you just don't want to be around people. Isn't it scary? The fact that the space you are getting is actually driving you insane, you think so much that you start being paranoid. The more you get, the worse you become even though someone says its good for you. Space.

Sometimes space, it can be and get overwhelming and it doesn't seem to ever fucking end.


"Are you sure you have to go?" Kitty asked nervously as she saw her daughter pack her clothes into a suitcase, Lana look at Kitty and gave her a smile.

"Mommy, it will only be two weeks," Lana assured her mother as she zipped up the suitcase "She's been with me ever since we were 14, I have to go."

"I Know but I just got my baby back," Kitty pouted, Lana sigh and sat down on her bed. Lana got a call from Issac last night about the mission being on Wednesday, it Is no Tuesday and she will be leaving later today. Obviously Lana had to make up a lie saying that her best friend's funeral (her roommate) was Wednesday afternoon which meant she had to leave soon. It has been three days since she last spoken to Hyde and three days since she actually saw the whole gang, obviously seeing her brother every morning. They all found out what happened, Jackie and Donna tried talking to her about it but she shrugged it off.

"It's just two weeks," Lana smiled at her "Trust me, I'll be back before you know it." Lana couldn't help but feel bad on lying to her mother. She did not even know if she will be getting out of the situation out alive.

"Well okay," Kitty let out one of her famous laughs "Now come on down and eat brownies before you go. Eric and the other kids are having some down at basement, why don't you go and join them?"

"Uh I rather just enjoy them in the kitchen." Lana stated

"You know, you haven't been hanging out with them these past three days. Why is that? Did something bad happen?" Lana shook her head immediately denying it.

"No," She said "I just didn't feel like hanging out with them lately."

"Well now you can," Kitty said "now go and eat your brownies with them!" Kitty ushered Lana out of her bedroom and down to the basement which Lana groan in annoyance. She made her way down the stairs and the basement, suddenly the atmosphere changed once she stepped the bottom of the stairs. Everyone turned and looked at her, she walked up to the table and grabbed a brownie.

"So are you ready for your trip?" Eric asked



"Where are you going?" Lana sat down on the freezer,

"I am heading back to California," She said "One of my friends unfortunately passed away and I am heading to her funeral and viewing."

"How long will you be gone?" Fez asked

"Two weeks," Lana said "I'm leaving tonight."

"Tonight?!" Hyde exclaim in surprise, through this whole time he was quiet, until now of course. Everyone (including Lana) looked at him with wide eyes. His sudden outburst was a surprise to everyone, Hyde has been nothing but bitter the pass few days.

"Listen," Lana started ignoring Hyde completely "I would like to ask if us girls can go to the mall for a bit?"

"Yeah sure"  Donna answered

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