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We have so many what ifs in different situations, We over think so much that our anxiety can get very high. Those What if questions come into our minds like a tumor, they come out of nowhere. It is a tragedy, we all know it. We suffer so much, it can physically hurt. If we were in a dangerous situation, the what ifs get hurt but there is two that haunts us so much that it gives us the shivers. It doesn't just haunts us ans gives us the shivers but it also makes our heart drop.

What if I get hurt? What if i don't even come out alive?


Lana didn't regret it, she didn't feel guilty like she should of instead she felt proud of herself. She felt proud that she did not break down crying in front of everyone but instead she held her ground and held her head up high. Lana's smile flattered a bit when she saw herself in the mirror, she knew that she over reacted a bit but when those words came out of Steven's mouth it made her angry and Lana can't control her anger as much as she used to. She knew it was an effect of the mating process.

"Why? how could I distract myself by him?" She asked herself as she sat down on the edge of her bed "He has more power over my emotions than he did two years ago." Lana suddenly felt guilt, she knew she shouldn't of done it but her anger was so high and she could not do anything about it. 

"Are you okay?" Lana looked up to see Donna standing in the doorway

"No not really," She answered her as she ran a hand through her hair "I don't regret doing that but I know you guys think I'm crazy or something." Donna carefully closed the door behind her before going to sit right next to Lana. 

"You know he only did that to piss you off right? "Donna assured Lana "He just got mad because of what you said." Lana scoff and rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah right, he and I won't work. It's not going to work, I know you guys kissed by the way." Lana stated to Donna whose eyes widen.

"You do?" 

"Yeah, Eric told me about it. He also told me that Steven had a thing for you." Donna did not know what to say, Hyde kissed her in the cabin about two months ago making her feel guilty "It's okay, I don't blame him." 

"What do you mean?" Donna asked her friend, really confused on what she said.

"Because you're really beautiful," Lana answered "I mean i would kill to have that color of hair you have." Donna laughed at her friend and shook her head in disappointment when she ehard those words.

"Lana you're really beautiful," She spoke "I mean Hyde would be a real dumbass if he didn't like you." Lana laugh but couldn't help but think, would her and Hyde actually work or not? Did he not like her or yes did he like her? 


Lana looked at Jason with a look that made him want to live under a rock and never want to come out of it, Lana has been in a bad mood ever since her and Hyde had an argument. She knew that Jason wasn't at fault for her and Hyde's situation but she knew that her anger can not be controlled and she is going to explode any second now. 

"What do you mean she got away?" She growled at Jason making Jason's eyes widen and body shake a little.

"Issac did not have Vervain in his system so she did that whole complexion thing to make him let her leave." Jason explained to Lana

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